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Questions tagged [multiple-holes]

Used for challenges that consist of multiple sub-challenges ("holes"), somehow combining the scores into one score. (Note: combining multiple unrelated challenges together is off-topic)

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4 votes
0 answers

5 tasks in (modified) BrainF**k from the Estonian OI [closed]

Introduction This challenge appeared in the 2020 Estonian Open Informatics Olympiad and was created Sandra Schumann. I thought it was interesting because it involves symmetry and is quite hard even to ...
Andi Qu's user avatar
  • 141
39 votes
29 answers

Cat, Quine, Hello World

Write a cat program, a quine, and a Hello World in the same language such that when two specific programs of the three are concatenated in a certain order, you get the third program. It does not ...
Beefster's user avatar
  • 9,971
30 votes
4 answers

Orientation Oriented Programming

Write a program for a specific language that in different orientations performs different tasks. Your code should have at least two non-empty lines and at least two non-empty columns and should ...
Dom Hastings's user avatar
  • 24.4k
22 votes
5 answers

Swap program halves to test divisors

Four integer sequences In this challenge, you will test four different properties of a positive integer, given by the following sequences. A positive integer N is perfect (OEIS A000396), if the sum ...
Zgarb's user avatar
  • 42.8k
4 votes
0 answers

Golf Practice: CJam [closed]

This is a challenge about the the tricks and optimizations that can be used when golfing in CJam. CJam golfers may recognize many of the tricks involved. However, unfamiliar approaches and constructs ...
Esolanging Fruit's user avatar
15 votes
9 answers

Lists and arrays, part by part

In this challenge, you'll get four different but somewhat related tasks that must be solved in a specific manner. First, I'll explain the tasks, then follows an explanation of how you must solve it. ...
Stewie Griffin's user avatar
33 votes
3 answers

OOP: Overlapping Oriented Programming

One of the lesser known programming paradigms which seems rather fitting for code golfing is Overlapping Oriented Programming (OOP) *. When writing partly identical code, many bytes can be saved by ...
Laikoni's user avatar
  • 26.3k
39 votes
12 answers

Different tasks, same characters

In this challenge, you need to solve 4 different tasks using the same set of characters. You can rearrange the characters, but you can't add or remove characters. The winner will be the submission ...
Stewie Griffin's user avatar
60 votes
62 answers

Print every printable ASCII character without using it

In a programming language of your choice, write 95 programs, each of which outputs a different one of the 95 printable ASCII characters without that character occurring anywhere in the program. For ...
Calvin's Hobbies's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Dyalog's International Problem Solving Competition (Phase I) – Code Golf Edition [closed]

Every year, Dyalog Ltd. holds a student competition. The challenge there is to write good APL code. However, this is a multiple-holes (common theme is manipulation of data of any type and structure, ...
Adám's user avatar
  • 31.1k
3 votes
12 answers

Hi, can you draw some odd art? Bye!

Create a program that outputs "Hi, Hello!" in k bytes. By altering n bytes, the code should output all odd numbers in the range ...
Stewie Griffin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Make a better score than my students! [closed]

For the last day of the semester, I decided to have some fun with my students and I showed them Code Golf... poor guys, they're addicted now. The goal was to compete against the other students to ...
SteeveDroz's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Pyth Practice 2

Time for another Pyth practice. I present here 8 problem statements with a Pyth solution each. These solutions are written by a Pyth beginner. He is quite happy about these solutions, since they are a ...
Jakube's user avatar
  • 21.9k
73 votes
84 answers

No strings (or numbers) attached

If you like this, consider participating in: The Official Dyalog APL 2016 Year Game The monthly Dyalog APL 2017 Code Golf Challenge Make 12 snippets/expressions, in the same language, that result in ...
Adám's user avatar
  • 31.1k
23 votes
6 answers

Code Billiards (Levenshtein golf)

You must use one language to write programs that perform the following nine tasks, in any order you want. Convert an inputted number from base 10 to base 36. Sample input: ...
Arcturus's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

The Interview: The Front Nine

The Interview: The Front Nine This is the first of a series of challenges inspired by programming job interview questions. You walk into the office where your potential future boss sits. "Come on in ...
user avatar
14 votes
7 answers

Avoid repeating letters between five simple programs

Your challenge is to write 5 different full programs for the 5 following tasks: Print Hello, World!. Given an input on STDIN, output the factorial (you can assume ...
Adnan's user avatar
  • 44.5k
3 votes
12 answers

How's your string theory? [closed]

Back to the basics! You're in you comp sci class again, except wiser and golfier. You have the tools, you have the power… but do you have the skill? Probably. Crash Course for the non-Computer ...
Conor O'Brien's user avatar
43 votes
8 answers

Cramming The Gramming - Twelve Task Tweet

Your boss just emailed you a list of 12 programming tasks he needs done as soon as possible. The tasks are simple enough but your boss, being a young software tycoon suckled by social networking, ...
Calvin's Hobbies's user avatar
48 votes
25 answers

First code golf decathlon [closed]

Tasks All competitors try to solve the following list of 10 tasks: math Read a positive integer n from input and return the sum of the cubes of the first n non-negative integers. For input ...
Dennis's user avatar
  • 211k
11 votes
4 answers

A Chrestomathy of Obscurity

You should complete four tasks in a language which: must return no results* when searched for on this ( website, for example ToffeeScript; must have a page listed at Esolang, Rosetta Code ...
Kieran Hunt's user avatar
12 votes
9 answers

Pair-golfing Twin primes and the Collatz sequence

This is a new kind of challenge inspired by the Recover the mutated source code problem. You should write two programs or functions both in the same language. The first one should solve Task #1 and ...
randomra's user avatar
  • 20.9k
5 votes
9 answers

Golfing the Core [closed]

Note: although this is tagged as Python, other languages are permitted Challenge What you have to do is write the shortest functions to perform the same actions as the following Python 2 built in ...
Beta Decay's user avatar
  • 23.4k
-7 votes
6 answers

“Hello, world!” with n distinct characters

Write a series of programs in the same language that print “Hello, world!” using n distinct source characters, where n is in [1..10] inclusive (“distinct” meaning that duplicate characters are ignored ...
mudri's user avatar
  • 414
26 votes
4 answers

9-hole mini-golf: Text Manipulation [closed]

9-hole mini-golf: Description 9 (mostly fairly easy) code golfing challenges of varying difficulty Penalties for using the same language more than once All challenges about a specific theme (this ...
Doorknob's user avatar
  • 71.7k
63 votes
15 answers

9 Hole Challenge [closed]

The 9 Hole Challenge 9 code golfing challenges of varying difficulty. Penalties for using the same language more than once. The question will be updated with pars, hole champions and trophy winners....
Dan Prince's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

No branching please

Anyone who is moderately into low level code optimization know about the perils of branching, be it implemented as if-statements, loops or select-statements the possibility of a branch misprediction ...
aaaaaaaaaaaa's user avatar
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