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Questions tagged [brainfuck]

This challenge is related to the BF language. Note that challenges that require the answers to be in a specific language are generally discouraged.

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4 votes
8 answers

Convert 8 Bit brainfuck to 1 bit Brainfuck / Boolfuck

Goal Input is a Brainfuck program for 8 bit cells, output it for 1 bit cells. Explanation We all know Brainfuck, normally it uses 8 bit cells. But there are implementations where a cell is just 1 bit, ...
12431234123412341234123's user avatar
13 votes
15 answers

Do something you can't do in Brainfuck [closed]

Goal Do some action (like delete a file, connect to a server, …) that you can not do in standard Brainfuck. What As you know, all calculations you can do in almost any programming language you can ...
12431234123412341234123's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Magical BF: BF code that works in two ways

Challenge In this challenge, we will use a language that is very similar to Brainfuck but slightly different. This variant of BF does not have any input and output commands; instead, it simply takes ...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 78.2k
-2 votes
3 answers

Make a Brainfuck Interpreter [duplicate]

There already is a Brainfuck interpreter question, but it is from 2011 and not up to date with current site standards and vague in places. I have proposed reposting this in chat, and it was well-...
Seggan's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Convert 256-wrap brainfuck into 257-wrap brainfuck

Usually each cell in brainfuck has 256 states, which is not enough to tell whether input is EOF or a character (usually \xFF). To fix it we can add one more state ...
l4m2's user avatar
  • 26k
10 votes
3 answers

Build an optimizing Brainfuck compiler/interpreter

the goal Build an optimizing Brainfuck implementation. Whether it is a compiler, an interpreter, a JIT compiler, or whatever else is up to you. scoring A reference implementation (...
xiver77's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

ASCII Brainfuck

Given a random code written using Brainfuck commands. You program should translate that code into the following ascii art: each Brainfuck command represents as 5x9 ...
sinvec's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Translate an arithmetic expression to Brainfuck

Write a program that translates an arithmetic expression to a Brainfuck program which evaluates the expression and prints the result in decimal numbers. For example, this arithmetic expression, ...
xiver77's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Will one-cell brainfuck halt?

Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language that is Turing Complete, meaning you can't tell whether a given program will halt without running it. It's cell-based and has an infinite tape of cells, ...
emanresu A's user avatar
  • 41.6k
21 votes
16 answers

Write a Stack Exchange compliant brainfuck explainer

You are to take a string representing a piece of brainfuck code and Explanations, containing only printable ASCII characters and newlines ( to ...
Fmbalbuena's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

BF memory layout optimizer

Given a BF program consisting of only the characters +-[]<>., with the property that there's an equal number of < and <...
DELETE_ME's user avatar
  • 17.3k
4 votes
0 answers

5 tasks in (modified) BrainF**k from the Estonian OI [closed]

Introduction This challenge appeared in the 2020 Estonian Open Informatics Olympiad and was created Sandra Schumann. I thought it was interesting because it involves symmetry and is quite hard even to ...
Andi Qu's user avatar
  • 141
0 votes
2 answers

Brainfuck movement [closed]

A normal Brainfuck program starts out with an array of cells, all containing the number 0. This program, on the other hand, must be able to run starting with any ...
Adam Abahot's user avatar
15 votes
45 answers

Is it a brainfuck instruction?

A very simple challenge today. Output a truthy value whether the ASCII character (or it's code) supplied is a brainfuck instruction (one of +-,.<>[]), and a ...
Kamila Szewczyk's user avatar
3 votes
9 answers

Lazy brainfuck programmer [closed]

Background Joe is working on his new Brainfuck answer on Codegolf. The algorithm he's using to solve the challenge is a bit complicated, so Joe came up with idea of simplifying his Brainfuck notation ...
Kamila Szewczyk's user avatar
39 votes
18 answers

Generate Brainfuck for the numbers 1–255

Write a program that, for the numbers 1 through 255, prints out BF code that will produce the given number in some byte of the array, plus a newline. For example, the first four lines of the output ...
Mason's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Multiplication in Brainfuck - minimum number of evaluations [closed]

Given two numbers in tape location #0 and tape location #1 in Brainfuck, compute their product into another tape location (specify with answer). Optimize for the least amount of time-units used, where ...
w33z8kqrqk8zzzx33's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Print 'A' 1000 times with BrainFuck

What is the best BrainFuck code (in terms of code size) to print 'A' 1000 times ? My approach is: set 'A' to p[0] set 255 to p[1] to display 255 'A', 3 times set 235 to p[1] to display 235 'A' This ...
Nelson G.'s user avatar
  • 347
-2 votes
1 answer

BF Last binary digit [duplicate]

Task Your task is to write as short as possible program preferably in Brainf**k which determines the last digit of given number after it's conversion from decimal to binary system. Input An integer ...
jean's user avatar
  • 485
16 votes
3 answers

Make a longer lenguage program

Lenguage is a brainfuck dialect that is notorious for breaking source restriction challenges. That is because Lenguage cares only about the length of it's source and not the contents. First, the ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Largest Number in Brainfuck BigInt for each program length up to 50 instructions

This challenge is for the largest finite number you can get BrainFuck programs of given lengths to contain in memory. We must use one of the BF versions that uses big integers for the cells rather ...
alan2here's user avatar
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6 votes
8 answers

Transpile Brainstract to Brainfuck

Introduction Brainstract, a newly created dialect of Brainfuck adds a bit more elements to the syntax. In addition to the normal Brainfuck syntax, there are macros. To define a macro: ...
kepe's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Traceless Busy Beaver

All those busy beavers made quite a mess. They wrote all over the tape. At this rate, our neighbour will stop lending us unbounded tapes. We need a new way to play the busy beaver game, one that ...
EPICI's user avatar
  • 409
11 votes
5 answers

Compose two Brainfuck programs

Given 2 brainfuck code snippets A and B, output some brainfuck code C which has the same ...
l4m2's user avatar
  • 26k
10 votes
5 answers

Interpret TwoMega

In this challenge, you will write an interpreter for 2Ω (transcribed as TwoMega), a language based loosely on brainfuck with an infinite-dimensional storage space. The Language 2Ω contains three ...
Esolanging Fruit's user avatar
32 votes
3 answers

The cell at the end of the rainbow

We all know of, or at least have heard of, brainfuck, one of the most famous and influential esoteric languages. While these days most implementations use an infinite tape, the original compiler by ...
Jo King's user avatar
  • 47.4k
32 votes
14 answers

Are circular tapes exciting?

A Brainfuck derivative Let's define a simple Brainfuck-like programming language. It has a two-directional tape of cells, and each cell holds one bit. All bits are initially 0. There is a moving head ...
Zgarb's user avatar
  • 42.7k
-4 votes
1 answer

Biggest number challenge (Brainfuck) [duplicate]

This is a brainfuck version of Largest Number Printable, and this. Let's think about brainfuck interpreter such that, Has array that can be stretched left & right arbitrary large Each cell can ...
0xrgb's user avatar
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14 votes
29 answers

RLE Brainfuck dialect

RLE Brainfuck (related to BF-RLE) The hypothetical RLE (Run-Length Encoding) dialect of Brainfuck accepts the symbols for the 8 commands and also accepts digits. The digits are used to represent the ...
Galen Ivanov's user avatar
  • 21.1k
0 votes
1 answer

Create a BijectiveBrain [duplicate]

Create a bijective function between the syntactically valid BF programs and the natural numbers This means that you will assign each BF program a nonnegative integer (0,1,2,...) in such a way that ...
Christopher King's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Trivial Brainf**k Substitution Interpreter

Brainf**k is the most famous esoteric programming language and is the inspiration for hundreds of other esoteric languages. In fact, there are quite a few languages that are so heavily based off of ...
MD XF's user avatar
  • 13.9k
29 votes
2 answers

Zero an arbitrarily large cell in Brainf***

Your task is to write a piece of code that zeros the current cell in the Brainfuck variant that, each cell can contain a signed integer of arbitrarily large magnitude, instead of the normal 0 to 255. ...
jimmy23013's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Programming in two time dimensions

It's a funny accident that this world happens to have just 1 time dimension, but it doesn't have to be like that. It's easy to imagine worlds with 2 or more time dimensions, and in those worlds you ...
Owen's user avatar
  • 369
8 votes
1 answer

Large Numbers in BF

Background The language BrainF*** (or simply BF), is an extremely minimal programming language. We're going to strip it back even further by eliminating IO operations; only the sub-langage defined by ...
user1502040's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Busy Brain Beaver reboot [duplicate]

Introduction I found a really interesting puzzle it was called Busy Brain Beaver. But it has been 3 years since the latest activity and there are some things I didn't like about it. So I decided to ...
fejfo's user avatar
  • 369
10 votes
1 answer

Braincopterify an image

Introduction Braincopter is an esoteric Brainf*** derivative that encodes a Brainf*** program as an image. As a 2D language, it uses two additional commands; they rotate the instruction pointer (...
Copper's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Brainf*ck Loop Problem

I have a problem for a cyber club that asks you to print: ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"! Using Brainf**k in 29 bytes or ...
Nick Rod's user avatar
  • 311
23 votes
36 answers

bfcat - encode a file as a brainf*** program

Challenge Write a program or function that given a string, returns a valid Brainfuck program that when compiled and executed as Brainfuck, returns that string.. Assume all inputs are encoded as ASCII....
Yeow_Meng's user avatar
  • 391
20 votes
1 answer

Bootloader golf: Brainf***

Create a bootloader that executes given Brainfuck program. This is code-golf, so the program with least bytes wins. Being a bootloader, the size of the program is counted in non-zero bytes in the ...
Hannes Karppila's user avatar
45 votes
28 answers

Translate oOo CODE

Given an input of a program written in oOo CODE, output the BF code that it represents. Here is a short description of how oOo CODE works: First, all non-alphabetic characters are removed (...
Doorknob's user avatar
  • 71.6k
8 votes
2 answers

TinyBF to Brainf*** converter

We have a Brainf*** to TinyBF converter, but not the other way around, so here's one. Rules: Your interpreter must take a valid TinyBF program, on one line, and it must output the corresponding ...
hyper-neutrino's user avatar
  • 42.6k
25 votes
7 answers

Generating Brainf*** NOPs

Sometimes when writing brainfuck code, you feel the need to make it longer than needed to encourage debugging. You could do it by just plopping a >< in there, ...
PurkkaKoodari's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Convert Brainfuck to another language! [duplicate]

The Task Write the shortest program, that accepts script in brainfuck from STDIN (or equivalent) and outputs to STDOUT (or ...
Jamie's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

Convert Brainfuck to MarioLANG

MarioLANG is a two-dimensional programming language where the source code resembles a Super Mario Bros. level. Furthermore, its instruction set is very similar to Brainfuck's. This means that ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
45 votes
3 answers

Enumerate valid Brainf**k programs

Golunar/Unary is a way to encode all valid Brainfuck programs, but it is not an enumeration, since most natural numbers do not correspond to a valid program. For the purpose of this challenge, assume ...
Dennis's user avatar
  • 210k
3 votes
5 answers

Brainf*** code golf challenge - write a Brainf*** program that searches for the first non-zero cell

The challenge is to write a brainf*** program that searches sequentially through memory for the first NON-zero cell. The program should start somewhere in fairly low memory (there will probably be ...
a62's user avatar
  • 69
16 votes
10 answers

Brainf**k to Unary and Back

A language that is very useful in restricted source and other such challenges is Unary, a brainfuck derivative in which programs are written in with only one character. Your job is to write a program ...
Maltysen's user avatar
  • 25.8k
15 votes
2 answers

Translate RoboCritters into Brainf***

RoboCritters (etymology) is a brand new esoteric programming language (don't bother searching for it, I just invented it). It's a variant of Brainfuck (BF), slightly more complex than the usual ...
Calvin's Hobbies's user avatar
9 votes
8 answers

Convert Brainfuck to a Non-Golfing Language

Input: Any Brainfuck program. This includes brainfuck programs with comments such as +++COMMENT[>+++<-].. Output: A program in one of the below languages that ...
durron597's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Randomized Brainfuck Compiler

Joe is your average BF developer. He is about to check in his code changes to their repository when he gets a call from his boss. "Joe! The new client's machine is broken! The brainfuck interpreter ...
Maltysen's user avatar
  • 25.8k