Turtlèd, 135 129 bytes
(the interpreter isn't really slightly buggèd (anymore :]), but it does not affect this program)
By restructuring and rewriting my program, I golfed... six bytes
And now I have to make new explanation...
Still could be shorter probs though
At least the best solution in this lang isn't just writing in the raw data ¯\(ツ)/¯
#3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169#")()()()()()">10:[)'|l]:[)d'\l]d"(||"2uuu[|;"::"uuu];>"__"[|r'\d]dl[ l[|.+l][\r]ul]
Honestly, this doesn't describe the actual program very well, but it does give hints about the commands, so you might understand a little better
#3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169# Some pi. Set the string to thing between #s
the last digit was same as first, and the
string wraps, so digit could be removed
")()()()()()" Write this string, by writing char 1 to current cell, moving right, char 2...
> turn right
10 set register to ten
:[)'|l]: move right by amount in register, while current cell isn't ), write |
and move left. move right by amount in register
[)d'\l] while cell is not (, move down, write \, move left
d"(||" move down and string-write "(||"
2 set register to 2
uuu[|;"::"uuu] Move up three, and while the cell is not |, move down by
register (2), string-write "::", move up three
Just remember the turtle is currently pointing right, so up is right.
;>"__" move down by amount in register, turn right, string-write "__"
[|r'\d]dl while cell is not |{ move right, write \, move down}, move down, left
[ l[|.+l][\r]ul]
While the current cell is not space {move left, execute loop:(While cell not |, write current char of string variable (remember that pi?), increment string pointer, move left), execute loop:(while cell not \, move right), move up, left}
at the top is N. It would be very complex tho. \$\endgroup\$