
Your task is to print this exact text:

     | | | | | |
    | Code Golf |
   | e---------f |
  | d___________l |
 | o-------------o |
| C_______________G |


  • Trailing or leading newline is allowed
  • , so shortest code wins!
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ The numbers being weird like that doesn't make sense and makes this challenge even less interesting than it is. I would recommend moving the candles inwards by one so that there are only 5 and then you can do 0 2 4 6 8 or 1 3 5 7 9 \$\endgroup\$
    – hyperneutrino
    Commented Jan 18, 2022 at 18:46

6 Answers 6


Vyxal, 71 bytes

\|6*Ṅ`&`×6*+∞`¬꘍ »₆`:⌈Rvf÷4ɾd7+‛-_f4Ẏ*$++J‛ |Ḃ∇++÷`###%$`∞‛ṫ¹%\#21*WøĊ⁋

Try it Online!

=== Top bit ===
\|6*          # Six |
    Ṅ         # Join by spaces
     `&`   +  # Append to an &
        ×6*   # six asterisks
            ∞ # Palindromise that

=========== Code Golf bit ===========
`¬꘍ »₆`:                              # Compressed string `Code Golf`, two copies
        ⌈R                            # Split on spaces and reverse each word
          vf÷                         # Make each a char list and push each
             4ɾ                       # 1...4
               d7+                    # Double + 7 -> 9, 11, 13, 15
                  ‛-_f4Ẏ              # Extend `-_` into length 4 and turn into char list
                        *             # Repeat characters by numbers
                         $++          # Join the `Code Golf` bit by those
                            J         # Append `Code Golf`
                             ‛ |Ḃ     # Push ` |` and `| `
                                 ∇++  # Prepend `| ` and append ` |` to each
                                    ÷ # Push each value to the stack.

=== Final bit ===
`###%$`               # Literal string `###%$`
       ∞              # Palindromised
        ‛ṫ¹%          # Format (replace % by) "Dennis"
            \#21*     # 21 #
                 WøĊ⁋ # Output the stack, centred and joined on newlines.

Charcoal, 69 bytes

× |³⸿×*⁶&⸿E⁵⁺ק_-ι⁺⁵ι |E²×#⁺χι‖O←M±⁶±²…Dennis$¹³↗↖Golf←floG edo↙CedoC

Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: Outputs the right half of the cake body, reflects it, then adds in the lettering.

× |³⸿

Handle the candles.


Handle the icing.

E⁵⁺ק_-ι⁺⁵ι |

Draw the bulk of the cake.


Draw the base of the cake.


Reflect to complete the cake body.


Cyclically extend the string Dennis$ to 13 characters and output it in the appropriate position.

↖Golf←floG edo↙CedoC

Add the two copies of Code and Golf.


JavaScript (ES6), 145 bytes

_=>` 5|@@@@@
 4| Code Golf@
 3| e-9f@
 @ d_11l@
@ o-13o@
| C_15G@
#21`.replace(/@|.(\d+)/g,([c],n)=>c.repeat(n)||' |')

Try it online!


Retina 0.8.2, 114 bytes

    6$*¦¶    &11$**&¶   ¦ Code Golf¦¶  ¦ e9$*-f¦¶ ¦ d11$*_l¦¶¦ o13$*-o¦¶| C15$*_G¦¶ ###D$D###¶21$*#

Try it online! Explanation:

    6$*¦¶    &11$**&¶   ¦ Code Golf¦¶  ¦ e9$*-f¦¶ ¦ d11$*_l¦¶¦ o13$*-o¦¶| C15$*_G¦¶ ###D$D###¶21$*#

Insert most of the cake using run-length encoding.


Make a couple of substitutions that save a few bytes. (In particular, the ¦ substitution allows me to write 6$*¦ to mean | | | | | |.)


Perl 5 + -p0513, 119 bytes

Pretty much just RLE, nothing too exciting.

s''4 6P
4 &11*&
3 P Code GolfP
  P e9-fP
 P d11_lP
P o13-oP
| C15_GP
21#';s/\d+(.)/$1x$&/ge;s/P/ |/g

Try it online!


05AB1E, 77 bytes

„| 11∍'*11×'&.ø”|ƒËŠˆ |”©Âá4.£v'|y„-_NèN·9+×y®á2ä`‡««‚Ć}”¼´$”13∍…###.ø¬21×».c

Try it online.


„|               # Push string "| "
   11∍           # Extend it to size 11: "| | | | | |"
'*              '# Push character "*"
  11×            # Repeat it 11 times: "***********"
     '&.ø       '# Surround it with leading/trailing "&": "&***********&"
”|ƒËŠˆ |”        # Push dictionary string "| Code Golf |"
         ©       # Store it in variable `®` (without popping)
                # Bifurcate it (short for Duplicate & Reverse copy):
                 # "| floG edoC |"
 á               # Only leave the letters: "floGedoC"
  4.£            # Only leave the last 4 characters: "edoC"
     v           # Foreach `y` over these characters:
      '|        '#  Push character "|"
      y          #  Push character `y`
      „-_        #  Push string "-|"
         Nè      #  Index (0-based modular) the map-index into this string
           N·    #  Push double the map-index
             9+  #  Add 9
               × #  Repeat the character that many times
      y          #  Push the character again
       ®         #  Push "| Code Golf |" from variable `®`
        á        #  Only leave its letters: "CodeGolf"
         2ä      #  Split it into two equal-sized parts: ["Code","Gold"]
           `     #  Pop and push both separated to the stack
            ‡    #  Transliterate
      ««         #  Append the top three strings together
      ‚          #  Pair it with the "|"
       Ć         #  Enclose; append its own head (the "|")
     }           # Close the foreach
”¼´$”            # Push dictionary string "Dennis$"
     13∍         # Extend it to size 13: "Dennis$Dennis"
        …###.ø   # Surround it with leading/trailing "###":
                 # "###Dennis$Dennis###"
¬                # Push the first character (without popping): "#"
 21×             # Repeat it 21 times: "###################"
»                # Join each list on the stack by spaces,
                 # and then all strings on the stack by newlines
 .c              # Centralize it, adding leading spaces where necessary
                 # (after which the result is output implicitly)

See this 05AB1E tip of mine (section How to use the dictionary?) to understand why ”|ƒËŠˆ |” is "| Code Golf |" and ”¼´$” is "Dennis$".


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