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Skizz's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
56 votes

Interpret brainfuck

22 votes

Obfuscated FizzBuzz Golf

19 votes

Determine if a number is divisible by 13 (without using 13 itself)

10 votes

Recreate a 'Snake' game in a console/terminal

8 votes

Text compression and decompression — "Nevermore."

8 votes

Decipher a Vigenère ciphertext

8 votes

Interpret Befunge-93

7 votes

99 Bottles Of Beer

6 votes

Koch Snowflake - codegolf

6 votes

What's my name? Produce the name of the language indirectly

6 votes

Generating PBM bitmap files from ASCII text

6 votes

Print a Christmas Tree

4 votes

Assembly Language Quine

2 votes

Chessboard pattern

2 votes

Look and say sequence

2 votes

How to determine if a number is odd or even without mod -or- bitwise operations?

2 votes

What's my name? Produce the name of the language indirectly

2 votes

Sort a list of numbers

1 vote

Carmichael Numbers

1 vote

Calculate the total number of paths

1 vote

Remove vowels without using too many different characters

0 votes

Generate the list [1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, ...]

0 votes

Print largest integer you can with the fewest characters

0 votes

Write a self-replicating program.

0 votes

Coding in song - Representing music lyrics in a programming language of your choosing

0 votes

What? No error?

0 votes

IPv4 Integer Conversion Function

0 votes

Adding without using a + or - sign