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1 vote

Help, I've mixed my week up!

Uiua, 6 bytes ↻1Days Boring builtin answer (Days starts with "Sunday", so it ...
nyxbird's user avatar
  • 1,019
0 votes

Help, I've mixed my week up!

AWK, 63 bytes $0=gensub(/X/,"day ","g","MonXTueXWednesXThursXFriXSaturXSunX") Attempt This Online!
xrs's user avatar
  • 579
0 votes

Code Golf: Mix the nuts so that none of the same kind are touching

Uiua, 19 bytes ⍣⊢∘▽/↧⧈≠⍉.⧅≠⊸⧻ Try it! ...
nyxbird's user avatar
  • 1,019
1 vote

In what order will the downloads complete?

Pip, 19 bytes YOGb{Y[a]+SNy}SKDNa Attempt This Online! Port of several other golflang answers, posted by DLosc's request (-2 thanks to DLosc). ...
emanresu A's user avatar
  • 44.2k
1 vote

In what order will the downloads complete?

Uiua, 17 bytes F ← ⊏⍏◌⤚∧˜(.⍜⊢+⍆)⊙⊚⇌⍆ Try it online! This would be 16 bytes with F ← ⊏⍏⊸⬚∘\(⍜⊢+⍆)⊚:⇌⍆ if the ...
janMakoso's user avatar
  • 201
2 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

Pip -xp, 44 bytes Wl|DN:a#l<b&a?uPU[i0]+@YlPUPOaUi&FI:DlBMUSNu Attempt This Online! Ungolfed/commented This solution ...
DLosc's user avatar
  • 39.2k
3 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

05AB1E, 16 14 bytes Å0©I{RΣ®{ćy+š© Port of @emanresuA's Vyxal answer, which in turn is a port of @Albert.Lang's Python answer, so make sure to upvote both of those ...
Kevin Cruijssen's user avatar
5 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

K (ngn/k), 28 27 bytes {y@<(&x){-':y+\x@<x}\y@:>y} Try it online! Port of emanresu A's Vyxal solution. ...
att's user avatar
  • 21.7k
9 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

Python, 80 bytes Thanks @att for -3 lambda l,p,S=sorted:S(l,key={x:(p:=[min(p)+x]+S(p)[1:])for x in S(l)[::-1]}.get) Attempt This Online! Previously, cleaner but ...
Albert.Lang's user avatar
  • 4,574
6 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

Python 3.8 (pre-release), 115 113 109 bytes -2 thanks to UnrelatedString -4 thanks to xnor ...
STerliakov's user avatar
9 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

Vyxal, 22 12 11 bytes ẋ£sṘµw¥s+:£ Try it Online! Now uses an idea stolen from Albert.Lang's Python answer of only maintaining a list of queue lengths, and sorting ...
emanresu A's user avatar
  • 44.2k
4 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

Jelly, 15 14 12 11 bytes ṢUṢ+"¥ɼÞɓxɼ Try it online! -1 with slightly less stateful register use -2 by actually porting directly -1 by thinking Takes the list ...
Unrelated String's user avatar
4 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

C (clang), 118 bytes with -Wl,-z,execstack flags by @ceilingcat ...
jdt's user avatar
  • 4,525
3 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

JavaScript (Node.js), 97 bytes (x,t=0,h=[])=>g=n=>h[t]||n--?x+x?g(n,h[t+(u=x.sort((a,b)=>a-b).pop(t+=!!t))]=u):h.flat():g(0,++t) Try it online! -6B ...
l4m2's user avatar
  • 28.3k
4 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

Python3, 162 bytes ...
Ajax1234's user avatar
  • 7,711
4 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

Charcoal, 54 bytes ≔⟦⟧υW⁻θυ⊞υ⌈ιUMυ⟦ιι⟧Wυ«W⌊⌊υF⎇›Lυη…υηυUMλ⁻μ¬νI✂⌊υ¹≔Φυ⌊κυ Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: ...
Neil's user avatar
  • 177k
4 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

JavaScript (ES6), 146 bytes Expects (array)(n) and returns a space-separated string. Probably not the shortest algorithm. ...
Arnauld's user avatar
  • 198k
17 votes

In what order will the downloads complete?

Bash + GNU parallel, 69 bytes +1 byte (nice): Neil points out sort needs -n, otherwise 100<11 ...
Themoonisacheese's user avatar

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