Python 2, 157 bytes
def f(s,o=0,d=0,D={}):T=s,o,d;x=D[T]=D[T]if T in D else~o and 0**o+sum(f(s[1:],cmp(c,"[")%-3-~o,d or cmp(c,s[0]))for c in"+,-.<>[]")if s else~d<0==o;return+x
Still looks pretty golfable, but I'm posting this for now. It uses recursion with a bit of caching. Annoyingly, D.get
doesn't short circuit for the caching, so I can't save 9 bytes that way...
The mapping prioritises length first, then lexicographical order over the ordering "][><.-,+"
(see output examples below). The main idea is to compare prefixes.
The variable o
keeps track of the number of [
brackets still open for the current prefix, while the variable d
takes one of three values indicating:
d = 1
: The current prefix is lexicographically earlier than s
. Add all programs with this prefix and length <= s
d = -1
: The current prefix is lexicographically later than s
. Add all programs with this prefix and length < s
d = 0
: The current prefix is a prefix of s
, so we might change d
to 1 or -1 later.
For example, if we have s = "[-]"
and our current prefix is p = "+"
, since p
is later than s
lexicographically we know only to add the programs starting with p
which are strictly shorter than s
To give a more detailed example, suppose we have an input program s = "-[]"
. The first recursive expansion does this:
(o == 0) # Adds a program shorter than s if it's valid
# For the first expansion, this is 1 for the empty program
+ f(s[1:], o=-1, d=1) # ']', o goes down by one due to closing bracket
+ f(s[1:], o=1, d=1) # '[', o goes up by one due to opening bracket
+ f(s[1:], o=0, d=1) # '>'
+ f(s[1:], o=0, d=1) # '<'
+ f(s[1:], o=0, d=1) # '.', d is set to 1 for this and the previous branches
# since they are lexicographically earlier than s's first char
+ f(s[1:], o=0, d=0) # '-', d is still 0 since this is equal to s's first char
+ f(s[1:], o=0, d=-1) # ',', d is set to -1 for this and the later branches
# since they are lexicographically later than s's first char
+ f(s[1:], o=0, d=-1) # '+'
Note how we don't actually use the prefixes in the recursion - all we care about them is captured through the variables d
, o
and the shrinking input program s
. You'll notice a lot of repetition above - this is where caching comes in, allowing us to process 100-char programs well within the time limit.
When s
is empty, we look at (d>=0 and o==0)
, which decides whether to return 1 (count this program because it's lexicographically early/equal and the program is valid), or 0 (don't count this program).
Any situtation with o < 0
immediately returns 0
, since any programs with this prefix have more ]
s than [
, and are thus invalid.
The first 20 outputs are:
> 2
< 3
. 4
- 5
, 6
+ 7
[] 8
>> 9
>< 10
>. 11
>- 12
>, 13
>+ 14
<> 15
<< 16
<. 17
<- 18
<, 19
<+ 20
Using the same Hello World example as @TheNumberOne's answer:
>>> f("++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.")