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peter ferrie's user avatar
peter ferrie's user avatar
peter ferrie
  • Member for 8 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
12 votes

Scream very loudly

10 votes

Tips for golfing in x86/x64 machine code

5 votes

Clearing the most significant bit from an integer

5 votes

Helloellolloloo Worldorldrldldd

4 votes

Shortest way to get an EOF Error

4 votes

Trick or Treat polyglot

4 votes

Interpret brainfuck

4 votes

Branch differently in x86 / x86-64 using only printable visible ASCII characters in the machine code

4 votes

Fastest way to perform the equivalent of an if-statement in x86 assembly

3 votes

Write a brainfuck compiler

3 votes

Convert a bytes array to base64

3 votes

Cross platform... You wish

3 votes

10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 in PHP (or anything else, for that matter)

3 votes

Trick or Treat polyglot

3 votes

Trick or Treat polyglot

3 votes

Prime sieve and sort (x86 asm)

2 votes

Is my OS 32-bit or 64-bit?

2 votes

Code that will only execute once

2 votes

Checking a file contains only null bytes

2 votes

Fastest way to perform the equivalent of an if-statement in x86 assembly

2 votes

Print the phrase "And she said, 'But that's his.'" using only the alphabet

1 vote

Shortest hex dumping program

1 vote

Shortest hex dumping program

1 vote

Decode a variable-length quantity

1 vote

Convert a string of digits from words to an integer

1 vote

Text compression

1 vote

Little Endian Number to String Conversion

1 vote

Corrupting A Binary File By Interpreting It As Text

1 vote

Make your code error, but only sometimes!

1 vote

This code errors on *this* and *that*, is it really written in them?