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user1502040's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
20 votes

f(g(x)) decreases while g(f(x)) increases

12 votes

Smallest unique number KoTH

9 votes

How slow is Python really? (Or how fast is your language?)

8 votes

KOTH - Loaded RPS

8 votes

Extreme Fibonacci

7 votes

Juggling by Numbers

7 votes

Ball game King of the hill

5 votes

Two Diehards Make a Glider

5 votes

Create a Flood Paint AI

5 votes

Injectively saturate bit strings

4 votes

Optimal strategy for wandering robots

4 votes

Which line is best?

4 votes

Chess Analysis with Limited Information

4 votes

Keep PPCG running in Game of Life

4 votes

Connecting the Dots: Counting n²-gons in the n×n Grid

4 votes

Random Prisoner's Trilemma - Python 3 KOTH

4 votes

Continuous knapsack but fast

4 votes

Art Attack KoTH

3 votes

How many draws are there in Quarto?

3 votes

Build a random number generator that passes the Diehard tests

3 votes

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

3 votes

Calculate the nth term of Golomb's self-describing sequence

3 votes

Fastest count of certain hypercubes with labeled vertices

3 votes

Strategy: The cunning cousin witch

3 votes

Adversarial Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma

2 votes

Triangularly embed a graph on a surface

2 votes

A multidimensional strategy challenge

2 votes

Best partitioning set

2 votes

Minimum Cut finder

2 votes

Chess Analysis with Limited Information