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11 votes
3 answers

Spanning paths in a tournament on n nodes

The goal of this challenge is to extend the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) sequence A038375. Maximal number of spanning paths in tournament on n nodes. A tournament on \$n\$ ...
24 votes
5 answers

Follow incomplete directions

A friend of yours has given you directions to the best restaurant in town. It's a series of left and right turns. Unfortunately, they forgot to mention for how long you need to go straight ahead ...
5 votes
1 answer

Triangularly embed a graph on a surface

This challenge arises from a claim made in a MathOverflow answer and a paper linked in that answer which seems to back up the claim: Searching for triangular embeddings is much quicker than ...
8 votes
5 answers

Pólya trees counted efficiently

The number of unlabeled rooted trees with n nodes is a fundamental sequence in graph theory and in discrete mathematics in general. Some authors call these trees 'Polya trees'. The number of these ...
23 votes
6 answers

Island Golf #2: The Eccentric Hermits

This is the second in a series of Island Golf challenges. Previous challenge Two hermits have arrived on a desert island. Since they came seeking solitude, they wish to live as far away from each ...
9 votes
3 answers

Count Maximal Fence Arrangements

Background I want to build a fence. For that, I have collected a bunch of poles, and stuck them to the ground. I have also collected lots of boards that I'll nail to the poles to make the actual ...
15 votes
9 answers

Cutpoints in a maze

A maze is given as a matrix of 0s (walls) and 1s (walkable space) in any convenient format. Each cell is considered connected to its 4 (or fewer) orthogonal neighbours. A connected component is a set ...
18 votes
5 answers

Ways to paint a backbone on a tree

Say I have some unlabelled tree graph: I'll define a "backbone" as a path on a graph that can't be extended - both its ends are at terminal vertices. There are three ways to overlay a ...
21 votes
20 answers

Check if all non-zero elements in a matrix are connected

Input: A matrix containing integers in the range [0 - 9]. Challenge: Determine if all non-zero elements are connected to each other vertically and/or horizontally. Output: A truthy value if all ...
28 votes
5 answers

Is it a Cactus?

In graph theory, a Cactus is a connected graph such that any distinct two simple cycles in the graph share at most one vertex. Here is a Cactus with 3 simple cycles outlined with dashed lines. The ...
81 votes
40 answers

Wait a minute – in less than ten seconds

Task Using any type of parallelisation, wait multiple periods, for a total sleep time of at least a minute (but less than a minute and a half). The program/function must terminate within 10 seconds ...
20 votes
3 answers

Find the haystack in the needles

In a twist on finding a needle in a haystack, you need to find the largest contiguous haystack containing exactly one needle. Note that you cannot connect cells on diagonals, only left/right/up/down. ...
19 votes
8 answers

Longest hypercube path

Challenge You are given two distinct bit strings of the same length. (For example, 000 and 111.) Your goal is to find a path ...
24 votes
3 answers

A Peak Experience: Quickly Visit All the Peaks

I am standing at point (0,0) in a H x W map where the altitude is represented by digits, for ...
5 votes
5 answers

Calculating Graph Powers

Calculating Graph Powers (very similar to my other question asked here) According to Wikipedia, "the \$k\$th power \$G^k\$ of an undirected graph \$G\$ is another graph that has the same set of ...
17 votes
3 answers

Calculate Coefficient of Inbreeding

Your task is, given a family tree, to calculate the Coefficient of Inbreeding for a given person in it. Definition The Coefficient of Inbreeding is equal to the Coefficient of Relationship of the ...
22 votes
2 answers

Complete the grid-filling meander

A grid-filling meander is a closed path that visits every cell of a square \$N \times N\$ grid at least once, never crossing any edge between adjacent cells more than once and never crossing itself. ...
13 votes
5 answers

A game of locks and keys

There are n boxes, numbered 1-n. Each box is locked, such that it can be opened by only one corresponding type of key (also numbered 1-n). These keys are randomly scattered in the boxes (one box may ...
14 votes
3 answers

Is this an interval graph?

Background An interval graph (Wikipedia, MathWorld, GraphClasses) is an undirected graph derived from a set of intervals on a line. Each vertex represents an interval, and an edge is present between ...
16 votes
10 answers

Total number of topological sorts

For a given DAG (directed acyclic graph), each of its topological sorts is a permutation of all vertices, where for every edges (u,v) in the DAG, u appears before v in the permutation. Your task is to ...
6 votes
2 answers

Pareto-optimal shortest paths

Given a directed graph on the nodes 0, 1, ..n, where each edge has two non-negative integer costs, return the set of all possible Pareto Optimal path costs between ...
15 votes
12 answers

Spanning tree of a rectangular grid

Background A spanning tree (Wikipedia) of an undirected graph is a subgraph that is a tree which includes all of the vertices of the original graph. The following is an example of a spanning tree of ...
12 votes
3 answers

Is my Graph Graceful?

A Graceful Graph is a type of Simple Graph. Graceful graphs are special because there is a way to label all their nodes with positive integers so that when the edges are also labeled with the ...
9 votes
3 answers

The smallest number of steps for a chess piece to reach a position

I have previously posted a challenge, smallest number of steps for a knight in chess. Now I would like to go a step further by adding the possibility to choose your piece. If you place a piece on any ...
40 votes
6 answers

To Vectory! – The Vector Racing Grand Prix

User CarpetPython posted a new take on this problem which puts a much bigger focus on heuristic solutions, due to an increased search space. I personally think that challenge is much nicer than mine, ...
10 votes
2 answers

Advent Challenge 2: The Present Vault Raid!

<< Prev Next >> Challenge Now that Santa has finally figured out how to get into his present vault, he realises that somehow the elves got in there before him and stole some of his presents! ...
16 votes
5 answers

Compute the chromatic number of special graphs

This challenge is about computing the chromatic number of special types of graphs. Input The input will consist of two integers. A positive integer \$n > 1\$. A distance \$d < n\$. Task The ...
12 votes
9 answers

Chromatic polynomial of a graph

Given a undirected graph \$G\$ and a integer \$k\$, how many \$k\$-coloring does the graph have? Here by a \$k\$-coloring, we mean assigning one of the \$k\$ colors to each vertex of the graph, such ...
24 votes
15 answers

smallest number of steps for a knight in chess

If you place a knight on any square of a chessboard, what is the smallest amount of steps to reach every position? Rules It is an 8 by 8 board. The knight starts at an arbitrary position, taken as ...
8 votes
14 answers

Construct a line graph / conjugate graph

Introduction Given an undirected graph G, we can construct a graph L(G) (called the line graph or conjugate graph) that represents the connections between edges in G. This is done by creating a new ...
21 votes
13 answers

Calculating Transitive Closure

First attempt at a question. Calculating Transitive Closure According to Wikipedia, "the transitive closure \$R^*\$ of a homogeneous binary relation \$R\$ on a set \$X\$ is the smallest ...
22 votes
1 answer

Can you draw this in one stroke?

Related | Related Given an ASCII art with |, _, and , check if you can draw the art in one ...
9 votes
14 answers

Simplify a Cycle

Alternatively: That one challenge I forgot I had in the sandbox and is about stuff from Discrete Mathematics I learned like 5-6 months ago and kinda don't remember Given a path of vertices that form a ...
30 votes
13 answers

Is it a valid chemical?

Non-metals typically* have a fixed number of covalent bonds in every chemical they are part of. Given the number of bonds every element requires, output whether it's possible to construct a single ...
5 votes
3 answers

Minimum Cut finder

Write a program that takes an undirected graph and finds the minimum cut, i.e., the set of edges that, if removed, would disconnect the graph into two or more connected components. The program should ...
26 votes
15 answers

Do the NP: find the largest clique

Background At the time of writing this, the P vs NP problem is still unsolved, but you might have heard of Norbert Blum's new paper claiming proof that P != NP, which is already suspected to be ...
10 votes
8 answers

Fourth grade math homework for the week: A most inefficient traveling salesman

My daughter had the following assignment for her math homework. Imagine six friends living on a line, named E, F, G, H, J and K. Their positions on the line are as indicated (not to scale) below: ...
11 votes
3 answers

The von Koch conjecture

You may know the mathematician von Koch by his famous snowflake. However he has more interesting computer science problems up his sleeves. Indeed, let's take a look at this conjecture: Given a tree ...
5 votes
2 answers

Broken Path Detection

Challenge Given a plot with broken paths, return the plot with all paths connected in the minimum number of changes. Explanation This problem deals with graphs on the Cartesian plane. Every node ...
15 votes
5 answers

Detect round trips on a dodecahedron

An ant starts on an edge of a dodecahedron, facing parallel to it. At each step, it walks forward to the next vertex and turns either left or right to continue onto one of the other two edges that ...
16 votes
17 answers

Determine if a relation is transitive

Challenge description Let's start with some definitions: a relation is a set of ordered pairs of elements (in this challenge, we'll be using integers) For instance, ...
19 votes
14 answers

Is this graph a tree?

Given an undirected graph, find out if it is a tree. A tree is an undirected graph in which there is exactly one path between any two vertices. In other word, the graph is both acyclic and connected. ...
10 votes
4 answers

Hamiltonian levencycle of 1-dup permutations

The word "levencycle" is inspired by cyclic levenquine challenge. Definitions A 1-dup permutation of order \$n\$ is some permutation of \$1, \cdots, n\$ plus one duplicate number in the ...
23 votes
10 answers

Two-Coloring Overlapping Circles

Write a program or function that takes in the following input in a reasonable format of your choice: Two positive integers W and H that define the width and height of the image you'll be generating. ...
14 votes
12 answers

Small Ramsey Numbers

Background: the Ramsey number \$R(r,s)\$ gives the minimum number of vertices \$v\$ in the complete graph \$K_v\$ such that a red/blue edge coloring of \$K_v\$ has at least one red \$K_r\$ or one blue ...
18 votes
20 answers

Generate a regular graph

Inspired by this Mathematica.SE post Given two positive integers \$n, k\$ with \$n > k \ge 1\$, output a binary \$n\times n\$ matrix such that every row and column contains exactly \$k\$ 1s, and ...
7 votes
4 answers

Train Route Planning

We can model a rail network as a directed graph, where each node is a train station and each edge is a train connecting two train stations. We'll assume that each train travels between its ...
12 votes
7 answers

Find the paths!

You must write a program or function. The input is a 'map' of numbers. You can choose to take the map as either a string with new line characters (\n) or a 2D ...
87 votes
39 answers

Implement Sleep Sort

Sleep Sort is an integer sorting algorithm I found on the Internet. It opens an output stream, and for each input numbers in parallel, delay for the number seconds and output that number. Because of ...
12 votes
1 answer

Find a dual graph

A dual graph is defined such that for every "face" in a graph G, there is a corresponding vertex in the dual graph, and for every edge on the graph ...

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