The challenge:
Input text from one file and output it to another. Solution should be a complete, working function.
Note: This is a code-trolling question. Please do not take the question and/or answers seriously. More information here.
The challenge:
Input text from one file and output it to another. Solution should be a complete, working function.
Note: This is a code-trolling question. Please do not take the question and/or answers seriously. More information here.
The whole point of having multiple programming languages, is that you need to use the right tool for the job.
In this case, we want to copy bytes from one file to another.
While we could use something fancy like bash or ruby, or fall to the power of ASM, we need something quick, good with bits and fast.
The obvious choice is C.
The SIMPLEST way of doing it would be like so:
#include <stdio.h>
#define AND *
#define PRACTICE myfile1
#define SOLUTIONS myfile2
#define ARE fopen
#define IMPORTANT "r"
#define BAD "w"
#define LOL fclose
#define PLEASE fgetc
#define HELP fputc
#define ME return
#define NEVER for
#define SURRENDER !=
#define VERY filename1
#define NOT filename2
#define _ 1
int copyFile(char* filename1, char* filename2)
NEVER (;_;)
This is evil because it will read garbage on things like cygwin, is completely chinese for a beginner, will scare him when he realizes it's a call for help and, obviously, because C.
#define VERY filename1
#define NOT filename2
#define _ 1
, you can make (;_;)
with the for-loop, to make it look like a smiley.
#define LOL fclose
, which is never used is my masterpiece though.
I like the simplicity of this one.
echo File1.txt > File2.txt
Really only works properly if File1.txt
contains "File1.text"...
, not the actual contents of File1.txt
WinActivate, file1.txt
SendInput ^a^c
WinActivate, file2.txt
SendInput ^a^v^s
You must first open the files in notepad or some other text editor that makes the window names start with the file names. Then it copies the contents of file1 to the clipboard (literally, using ctrl+c), and pastes it into file2, overwriting anything currently in it, and saves.
Solves the problem, but in a very inconvenient and pretty useless fashion. It would probably by easier to just copy and paste manually.
As everyone knows, perl is very good for manipulating files. This code will copy the contents of one file to another, and will do so with extra redundancy for good measure.
#Good perl programs always start thusly
use strict;
use warnings;
my $input_file = 'File1.txt';
my $output_file = 'File2.txt';
open(my $in, '<', $input_file) or die "Couldn't open $input_file $!";
my $full_line = "";
while (my $line = <$in>) {
#Get each letter one at a time for safety,
foreach my $letter (split //, $line) {
#You could and should add validity checks here
$full_line .= $letter;
#Get rid of output file if it exists! You are replacing it with
# new content so it's just wasting space.
unlink $output_file if (-e $output_file);
#Write data to new file
open(my $out, '>', $output_file) or die "Couldn't open $output_file $!";
print {$out} $full_line;
To be safe, test this out on a small file at first. Once you are convinced of its correctness you can put it into production for use on very large files without worry.
In order to achieve this, you must make sure to do several things:
Here's the code:
static void CopyTextFile(string path1, string path2)
FileStream fs = new FileStream(path1, FileMode.OpenOrCreate); //open the FTP connection to file
byte[] file = new byte[fs.Length];
fs.Read(file, 0, file.Length);
string makeFileSafe = Encoding.UTF32.GetString(file);
using (var cli = new WebClient())
cli.DownloadData(new Uri("Microsoft .NET File IO and String Extension Package")); //get MS package
StreamReader read = new StreamReader(path2);
read.Dispose(); //create and read file for good luck
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (char c in path1.ToCharArray())
string virusFreeString = sb.ToString(); //remove viruses from string
File.WriteAllText(path2, virusFreeString);
File.WriteAllText(path1, virusFreeString); //refresh cache
//Don't worry, exceptions can be safely ignored
In four simple steps:
command for this.A lot of people find it useful to attempt to use regular expressions or to evaluate strings in order to copy them from one file to another, however that method of programming is sloppy. First we use Java because the OOP allows more transparency in our code, and secondly we use an interactive interface to receive the data from the first file and write it to the second.
import java.util.*;
public class WritingFiles{
public static void main(String []args){
File tJIAgeOhbWbVYdo = new File("File1.txt");
Scanner jLLPsdluuuXYKWO = new Scanner(tJIAgeOhbWbVYdo);
class MyCSHomework{
Scanner jsvLfexmmYeqdUB = new Scanner(;
Writer kJPlXlLZvJdjAOs = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream("File2.txt"), "utf-8"));
String quhJAyWHGEFQLGW = "plea";
String LHpkhqOtkEAxrlN = "f the file";
String SLGXUfzgLtaJcZe = "e nex";
String HKSaPJlOlUCKLun = "se";
String VWUNvlwAWvghVpR = " ";
String cBFJgwxycJiIrby = "input th";
String ukRIWQrTPfqAbYd = "t word o";
String CMGlDwZOdgWZNTN = quhJAyWHGEFQLGW+HKSaPJlOlUCKLun+VWUNvlwAWvghVpR+cBFJgwxycJiIrby+SLGXUfzgLtaJcZe+ukRIWQrTPfqAbYd+LHpkhqOtkEAxrlN;
public static void fzPouRoBCHjsMrR(){
In theory (I haven't tested it) this makes the user manually input the content of the first file (word by word) and then writes it to the second file. This response is a play on the ambiguity of the question as to what it means by "input text from one file," and the crazy variable names (generated randomly) were just for some extra fun.
Like @Shingetsu pointed out, one has to use the right tool for the right job. Copying the content from one file to another is an old problem, and the best tool for such file-management tasks is using the shell.
One shell command that every programmer has to familiarise themself with is the common tac
command, used to tack the content of files together, one after another. As a special case of this, when only one file is passed in it is simply spit out as-is again. We then simply redirect the output to the appropriate file:
tac inputfile.txt >outputfile.txt
Simple and to-the-point, no tricks!
Antivirus included.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
print "Copy the text of the file here: (warning: I can't copy files with newlines):\n";
my $content = <STDIN>;
print "\n\nPlease wait, removing viruses...";
my @array = split(//,"$content");
my @tarray;
foreach my $item (@array)
if ($item ne "V" && $item ne "I" && $item ne "R" && $item ne "U" && $item ne "S")
push(@tarray, $item);
print "\n\nNow copy this into the target file:\n";
foreach my $item (@tarray){ print "$item"};
(because you gotta have this supposedly "dead" language ;-)
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%I in ('type %1') do set this=!this!%%I
echo !this!>%2 2>nul
You simply call this as copy.bat file1.txt file2.txt
(or whatever files you want)
If only it would keep line breaks...
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
and set thisline=!thisline!%%I
works only in Windows CMD. In DOS must work simple set thisline=%thisline%%%I
Efficiency is not important, correctness is. Writing in a functional style results in more clear and less error-prone code. If performance does turn out to be a problem, the last ToArray() line can be omitted. It's better to be lazy anyway.
public void CopyFile(string input, string output)
.Range(0, File.ReadAllBytes(input).Length)
.Select(i => new { i = i, b = File.ReadAllBytes(input)[i] })
.Select(ib => {
using (var f = File.Open(output, ib.i == 0 ? FileMode.Create : FileMode.Append))
f.Write(new byte[] { ib.b }, 0, 1);
return ib; })
There is a library yet ported to several Smalltalk dialects (Visualworks, Gemstone Squeak/Pharo, ...) named Xtreams that makes this task more than easy.
FileStream would be as simple as 'foo' asFilename reading
and 'bar' asFilename writing
for example in Visualworks, but are dialect specific.
For this reason I demonstrate the algorithm with dialect neutral internal Streams instead.
A good idea could be to process each byte code in increasing order:
| input |
input := 'Hello world' asByteArray reading.
^((ByteArray new writing)
write: ((0 to: 255) inject: ByteArray new reading into: [:outputSoFar :code |
| nextOutput |
nextOutput := ByteArray new writing.
((input += 0; selecting: [:c | c <= code]) ending: code inclusive: true) slicing do: [:subStream |
| positionable |
positionable := subStream positioning.
nextOutput write: (outputSoFar limiting: (positionable ending: code) rest size).
nextOutput write: (positionable += 0; selecting: [:c | c = code])].
nextOutput conclusion reading]);
conclusion) asString
Of course, it is also possible to process in random order, but i'm afraid that it makes the code a bit too compact:
| input output |
input := 'Hello world' asByteArray reading.
output := ByteArray new writing.
(0 to: 255) asArray shuffled do: [:code |
output += 0.
(input += 0; ending: code inclusive: true) slicing do: [:subStream |
| positionable |
positionable := subStream positioning.
output ++ (positionable += 0; rejecting: [:c | c = code]) rest size.
output write: (positionable += 0; selecting: [:c | c = code])]].
^output conclusion asString
Ah stupid me, I didn't saw the log2 solution:
| input output |
input := 'Hello world' asByteArray reading.
(output := ByteArray new writing) write: (input collecting: [:e | 0]).
output := (0 to: 7) asArray shuffled inject: output into: [:outputSoFar :bit |
(ByteArray new writing)
(((input += 0; collecting: [:e | e >> bit bitAnd: 1]) interleaving: outputSoFar conclusion reading)
transforming: [ :in :out | out put: in get << bit + in get]);
^output conclusion asString
on terminal #1 with the IP,
nc -l 8080 | gpg -d > mydocument.docx
on terminal #2 with the IP,
gpg -c mydocument.docx | nc 8080
This will encrypt and send mydocument.docx
, using nc
and gpg
, over to terminal #1
You will have to type the password on terminal #2, then on terminal #1
This is somewhat based on Shingetsu's answer, but I couldn't resist. It is fully functioning, but no student would submit it to their teacher (I hope). If they are willing to analyze the code, they will be able to solve their problem:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#define SOLVE ifs
#define IT >>
#define YOURSELF ofs
ifstream& operator IT(ifstream& ifs, ofstream& ofs) {
string s;
return ifs;
void output(ofstream& ofs, ifstream& ifs) {
while (ifs) {
ofs << ' ';
int main() try {
ofstream ofs("out.txt");
ifstream ifs("in.txt");
output(ofs, ifs);
return 0;
catch (exception& e) {
cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << endl;
return 1;
catch (...) {
cerr << "Unknown error.\n";
return 2;
Inputs text from file1.txt and outputs it to file2.txt
It's complete and "working". No one said anything about writing the input as it is. All input characters appear in the output. "getchar" is the trolling part.
from random import choice as getchar
f1 = open("file1.txt")
s1 = []
for line in f1:
for char in line:
s2 = ''
while len(s1) > 0:
x = getchar(s1)
s2 += x
f2 = open("file2.txt" , 'w')
f = (BinaryWrite[#2, BinaryReadList@#]; Close@#2) &
f["one file", "another"]
check = Import[StringJoin["!diff \"", #, "\" \"", #2, "\" 2>&1"], "Text"] &;
check["one file", "another"]
Jan 4, 2014 at 1:43
DELPHI / PASCAL ( copy from f1.txt to f2.txt )
program t;
var a : TStringlist;
I'm certainly not an assembly expert, but below is my little snippet:
include \masm32\include\
call main
main proc
.if rv(exist,"out.txt") != 0
test fdelete("out.txt"), eax
mov hFile, fopen("source.txt")
mov flen, fsize(hFile)
mov hMem, alloc(flen)
mov bwrt, fread(hFile,hMem,flen)
fclose hFile
invoke StripLF,hMem
mov hFile, fcreate("out.txt")
mov bwrt, fwrite(hFile,hMem,flen)
fclose hFile
free hMem
main endp
end start
Did you notice the "complete, working function" bit? Anyway, here is my answer:
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
system("echo < input > dest");
Run with an input file containing text from one file and output it to another. Solution should be a complete, working function.
function copyFile($input, $output)
return file_put_contents($output, file_get_contents($input));
contents=`< $1` ; echo "$contents" > $2
Looks reasonable, but rather inefficient if the file is large.
Works fine on ASCII files except when the input file contains -n
, -e
or -E
. (Because these are interpreted as arguments by echo
Does not produce the correct output for all (most) binary files.
(Using printf "%s" "$contents" > output
under /bin/bash
works a little better, but that still drops NULL bytes.)
Oh and of course it doesn't work for filenames_containing_spaces. But such files are illegal under UNIX%20policy anyway.