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Destructible Lemon's user avatar
Destructible Lemon's user avatar
Destructible Lemon
  • Member for 8 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Wave-Particle Duality Laterally Programmatically

1 vote

Return the flipped version of a number

1 vote

The Letter A without A

1 vote

Invalid Invali Inval

1 vote

Determine the "Luck" of a string

1 vote

Run Stackylogic

1 vote

Leo's Pokerface

1 vote

Leo's Pokerface

1 vote

Exploded view of a string

1 vote

Shortest code to produce infinite output

1 vote

The Letter A without A

1 vote

Alphabet to Number and Number to Alphabet

1 vote

Dungeon of botdom

1 vote

Is this number a prime?

1 vote

Does it Lead or Follow?

1 vote

Shortest auto-destructive loop

1 vote

Code ladder, Robbers

1 vote

Solve the Halting Problem for Befinge

1 vote

Program that creates larger versions of itself (quine-variant)

1 vote

Element of string at specified index

1 vote

1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz

1 vote

Evolution of Powers of Two

0 votes

Alternating Fibonacci

0 votes

Implement a Truth-Machine

0 votes

Write a pluralization function for Russian

0 votes

KOTH - Loaded RPS

0 votes

Executable haiku that outputs a haiku

0 votes

Executable haiku that outputs a haiku

0 votes

Random Golf of the Day #7: A distinctly random character

0 votes

Print every printable ASCII character without using it