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sweerpotato's user avatar
sweerpotato's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
44 votes

The Versatile Integer Printer

12 votes

No strings (or numbers) attached

10 votes

Longest Common Prefix of 2 Strings

8 votes

The Programming Language Quiz

6 votes

The Versatile Integer Printer

5 votes

Print the character names

5 votes

Simple ASCII Gantt

5 votes

Implement a Truth-Machine

4 votes

A Perplexing Puzzle

3 votes

Implement "tac": Print lines from a file in reverse

3 votes

The Programming Language Quiz

3 votes

You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye

3 votes

Implement a Truth-Machine

2 votes

Horizontal graph of word length

2 votes

Shortest code to check if a string has only letters

2 votes

Don't google "google"

1 vote

Shortest infinite loop producing no output

1 vote

Iterative binary search

0 votes

Implement a Truth-Machine