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Blazer's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 12 years ago
66 votes

Tips for golfing in Python

33 votes

Tips for golfing in <all languages>

16 votes

Shortest Way of creating a basic Space Invaders Game in Python

5 votes

Scrolling Marquee

4 votes

Reverse Engineer Polling Statistics

4 votes

Lowest unique bid auction

4 votes

Generate Random Boggle Board

3 votes

ASCII ruler generation

3 votes

ASCII Ball in Box Animation

3 votes

Constant output program

3 votes

Implement hyperexponentiation/tetration without the use of '^'

2 votes

add commas to Numbers without String manipulation

2 votes

Lowest unique bid auction

2 votes

Lowest unique bid auction

2 votes

Lowest unique bid auction

2 votes

Dissociated Press

2 votes

determine longest group of consecutive numbers

1 vote

Outputting ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

1 vote

An Old Irish Blessing, reasked (without using encodings)

1 vote

Random sampling without replacement

1 vote

Lowest unique bid auction

1 vote

Determine if a number is divisible by 13 (without using 13 itself)

1 vote

Find one-handed words

1 vote

Swaps needed to sort an array in bubble sort method

1 vote

Convert number to comma separated number

0 votes

add commas to Numbers without String manipulation