Linked Questions

92 votes
217 answers

Find the Factorial!

Create the shortest program or function that finds the factorial of a non-negative integer. The factorial, represented with ! is defined as such $$n!:=\begin{...
Kevin Brown-Silva's user avatar
45 votes
82 answers

Print random integers until 0

You are to write a program which generates random integers between \$0\$ and \$99\$ inclusive, outputting each integer in turn, until \$0\$ is generated. You may choose which single-order random ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
33 votes
78 answers

Number to Binary

It seems we've managed to go all this time without a plain vanilla Number-To-Binary challenge! Whilst this will inevitably be only one element in many languages, it should put a few esolangs through ...
ATaco's user avatar
  • 11.2k
35 votes
51 answers

Code Golf: Your own pet ASCII snake

So, I wrote myself a one-liner which printed out a snake on the console. It's a bit of fun, and I wondered how I might condense my code... Here's a (short) example output: ...
AJFaraday's user avatar
  • 11.8k
25 votes
67 answers

Compare two numbers given as strings

I have a problem at work. I need to compare two numbers that come as strings from two different databases. The numbers may come with leading zeroes and/or leading/trailing spaces. So I may have ...
Charlie's user avatar
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49 votes
38 answers

Duck, Duck, Josephus

Given an Integer array: Start from the first number Jump forward n positions where n is the value of the current position Delete the current position, making what was the next position the current ...
workoverflow's user avatar
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21 votes
38 answers

Find the odd one out

Challenge The goal of this challenge is to generate and output a \$16 \times 32\$ (height \$\times\$ width) grid where all cells contain a decoy character, except for a random single cell that ...
vengy's user avatar
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33 votes
25 answers

The (Easy) Road to Code

Input: An integer \$n\$, which is guaranteed to be \$\ge3\$. An integer \$d\$, which is one of \$[-1,0,1]\$. Output: A road of size \$n\$, which will be in a north-west direction if \$d=-1\$; a ...
Kevin Cruijssen's user avatar
28 votes
26 answers

Generate a password

It is very hard to remember my password, so I came up with a way to generate a password. The way I generate my password is from a word or a sentence, following these steps: Start from left to right ...
asmgx's user avatar
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12 votes
21 answers

Hexadecimal to Binary

Convert a hexadecimal number (of any size) into a binary number. Input A POSITIVE hexadecimal number with a 0x in the beginning. A valid input will always match the ...
Hashim Kayani's user avatar
-2 votes
53 answers

Return the highest possible placement value based on the input

Introduction The challenge itself was something I came across and had to try and figure out for a personal of project of mine. I ended up branching out and asking family members if they could provide ...
Script47's user avatar
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