Linked Questions

173 votes
98 answers

Tips for golfing in JavaScript

What general tips do you have for golfing in JavaScript? I'm looking for ideas that can be applied to code golf problems in general that are at least somewhat specific to JavaScript (e.g. "remove ...
mellamokb's user avatar
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125 votes
110 answers

Loading... Forever

Your challenge is to make an infinite loading screen, that looks like this: Or, to be more specific: Take no input. Output Loading..., with a trailing space, but ...
FlipTack's user avatar
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91 votes
119 answers

N(e(s(t))) a string

To "function nest" a string, you must: Treat the first character as a function, and the following characters as the arguments to that function. For example, if the input string was ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
  • 59.6k
59 votes
100 answers

Find the smallest number that doesn't divide N

This challenge is simple enough that it's basically all in the title: you're given a positive integer N and you should return the smallest positive integer which is not a divisor of N. An example: the ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
52 votes
96 answers

Alphabet triangle

You are to print this exact text: ...
Leaky Nun's user avatar
  • 50.1k
47 votes
101 answers

Draw an ASCII chess board!

Here is a simple challenge for you: You must produce this ASCII representation of a chess board. White is represented by uppercase characters, and black is represented by lowercase. Empty tiles are ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
  • 59.6k
53 votes
76 answers

Output the alphabet, the ALPHABET, or just a character

The challenge is simple: Write a function or program that takes an input x, and outputs the lower case alphabet if x is part of ...
Stewie Griffin's user avatar
46 votes
73 answers

Can this number be written in (3^x) - 1 format?

Challenge: Create a program that accepts a positive integer and checks if it can be written in the form of (3^x)-1, where X is another positive integer. If it can, output X If it can't, output -1 ...
Offtkp's user avatar
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44 votes
56 answers

Don't give me five!

Question : You will be given the starting and ending integers of a sequence and should return the number of integers within it which do not contain the digit 5. The ...
Arasuvel's user avatar
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33 votes
68 answers

Count the divisors of a number

Introduction This is a very simple challenge: simply count the divisors of a number. We've had a similar but more complicated challenge before, but I'm intending this one to be entry-level. The ...
jqkul's user avatar
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27 votes
76 answers

Display numbers lacking 2's

Display numbers from one to one-hundred (in increasing order), but number 2 shouldn’t appear anywhere in the sequence. So, for example, the numbers two (2) or ...
Monolica's user avatar
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38 votes
70 answers

Cat goes "Meow"

cat goes "Meow" We are all familiar with the concept of a cat program. The user types something in, it is echoed back to the ...
user avatar
36 votes
59 answers

Is my barcode valid?

An EAN-8 barcode includes 7 digits of information and an 8th checksum digit. The checksum is calculated by multiplying the digits by 3 and 1 alternately, adding the results, and subtracting from the ...
FlipTack's user avatar
  • 14.7k
44 votes
47 answers

Is it a balanced number?

A number is balanced if the sum of the digits on each half of the number is equal, so: 1423 is balanced because 1+4 = 2+3, so is:...
Stewie Griffin's user avatar
25 votes
67 answers

Compare two numbers given as strings

I have a problem at work. I need to compare two numbers that come as strings from two different databases. The numbers may come with leading zeroes and/or leading/trailing spaces. So I may have ...
Charlie's user avatar
  • 12.9k

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