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Questions tagged [division]

for a challenge involving the mathematical operator of division or integer division

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18 votes
24 answers

Divmod continuously until the remainder is 1 or 0, then get the remainder

The task is simple, divide, get the quotient and the remainder, and if the remainder isn't 1 or 0, do the same thing (quotient divmod remainder) until the remainder is 1 or 0, then get the remainder. ...
Fmbalbuena's user avatar
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16 votes
18 answers

Divisor chain counts (1 3 3 7 ...)

The divisors of a natural number form a poset under the relation of "a divides b?", \$a | b\$. This challenge is to produce the number, \$C\$, of non-empty chains of such posets for natural ...
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Find the magic numbers to divide a number without division

An integer \$x\in[0,2^{32}-1]\$ divided by an integer \$d\in{[1,2^{31}]}\$ will produce an integral quotient \$q\$ and a remainder \$r\$, so that \$x=d\times q+r\$. Any \$q\$, in fact, can be ...
xiver77's user avatar
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30 votes
14 answers

Is it a Giuga number?

Giuga numbers (A007850) are composite numbers \$n\$ such that, for each prime factor \$p_i\$ of \$n\$, \$p_i \mid \left( \frac n {p_i} -1 \right)\$. That is, that for each prime factor \$p_i\$, you ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
25 votes
8 answers

Implement Ash's float division

Ash has a bit of an interesting float division algorithm. It's designed to never return NaN, and things like signed zero and infinity need to be handled. How it ...
rydwolf's user avatar
  • 18.9k
20 votes
9 answers

Zeroes at end of \$n!\$ in base \$m\$

Related: Zeroes at the end of a factorial Today, we are going to calculate how many zeroes are there at the end of \$n!\$ (the factorial of \$n\$) in base \$m\$. Or in other words: For given integers \...
tsh's user avatar
  • 35k
28 votes
34 answers


NOTE: Some terminology used in this challenge is fake. For two integers n and k both greater than or equal to 2 with ...
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11 votes
14 answers

Prefix divisibility

Inspiration Given a positive integer \$1 \le n \le 9\$, output all positive \$n\$-digit integers \$i\$ for which the following is true: Each digit from \$1\$ to \$n\$ appears exactly once in \$i\$. ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it a Self-divisor? [duplicate]

Task Write a function or program that takes n as a parameter and prints the first n self-divisors. Definition of Self-divisor A ...
John's user avatar
  • 71
38 votes
31 answers

How many times, are they multiples?

You are given three parameters: start(int), end(int) and list(of int); Make a function that returns the amount of times all the numbers between start and end are multiples of the elements in the list....
Rui Silva's user avatar
  • 441
-6 votes
5 answers

Report divisibility with arithmetic integer operations only [closed]

Given two numbers, the first is greater than the second, check whether the first number is divisible by the second without a remainder. If divisible, answer "yes"(...
Mouvre's user avatar
  • 99
15 votes
2 answers

Impatient divisibility test

Your task is to write a program or function that determines whether a number is divisible by another. The catch is that it should give an answer as soon as possible, even if not all digits of the ...
Doorknob's user avatar
  • 71.6k
7 votes
16 answers

Extract and Divide

Challenge For a given positive integer \$n\$: Repeat the following until \$n < 10\$ (until \$n\$ contains one digit). Extract the last digit. If the extracted digit is even (including 0) multiply ...
DimChtz's user avatar
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26 votes
18 answers

Am I a 'Redivosite' Number?

Redivosite is a portmanteau word invented for the sole purpose of this challenge. It's a mix of Reduction, Division and Composite. Definition Given an integer N > 6: If N is prime, N is not a ...
Arnauld's user avatar
  • 195k
8 votes
2 answers

Integer Division Loops

Challenge Given any positive integer supported by your language: Take the input and divide it into two halves. For all divisions in this program, if the input is odd, round one half up and one half ...
DonielF's user avatar
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42 votes
16 answers

How small can it get?

Starting with a positive integer N, find the smallest integer N' which can be computed by repeatedly dividing N by one of its digits (in base-10). Each selected digit must be a divisor of N greater ...
Arnauld's user avatar
  • 195k
10 votes
3 answers

Form a list using prime numbers

You have been given N piles of coins. You have decided to divide each of those B1, B2, ..., BN piles among separate groups of people. The amount of people receiving coins has to be a prime number and ...
McLinux's user avatar
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34 votes
75 answers

Modulus Summation

I call this sequence "the Jesus sequence", because it is the sum of mod.</pun> For this sequence, you take all the positive integers m less than the input n, and take the sum of n modulo each m. ...
Nissa's user avatar
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14 votes
25 answers

Calculate the Upper Divmod

Task Given two positive integers (dividend and divisor), calculate the quotient and the remainder. Normally it would be calculated as e = o*q+r where ...
Rod's user avatar
  • 18.4k
4 votes
3 answers

Solve the equation `a*x == b` with Int32 arithmetics [duplicate]

In this thread we use 32-bit signed integers (assuming the usual two's complement). For simplicity I shall call this type Int32. The range is from -2147483648 ...
Jeppe Stig Nielsen's user avatar
28 votes
67 answers

Find the sum of the divisors of N

Write a program that displays on the screen the sum of the divisors of a number (1 ≤ N ≤ 100) entered by the user in the range of 1 to N. This is OEIS A000203. Examples: Input: 7 ...
Kevin Halley's user avatar
20 votes
20 answers

Differences of MaxMin Divisor Pairs (DMDP)

Let's talk about divisors... Leaving out perfect squares (for a moment), all positive integers can be expressed as the product of 2 of their divisors. Quick example for ...
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21 votes
21 answers

Fold the integer to save space!

The crazy mathematician owns a wide collection of numbers, and therefore the space he has left is quite limited. To save some, he must fold his integers, but unfortunately he is really lazy. Your task,...
Mr. Xcoder's user avatar
  • 42.4k
42 votes
54 answers

Divisibility Streak [duplicate]

We can define the Divisibility Streak k of a number n by finding the smallest non-negative integer ...
Oliver's user avatar
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25 votes
48 answers

Product of Divisors

Challenge Given a positive integer, return the product of its divisors, including itself. This is sequence A007955 in the OEIS. Test Cases 1: 1 2: 2 3: 3 4: 8 5: 5 6: 36 7: 7 8: 64 9: 27 10: 100 ...
musicman523's user avatar
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42 votes
82 answers

Am I divisible by double the sum of my digits?

Given a positive integer as input, your task is to output a truthy value if the number is divisible by the double of the sum of its digits, and a falsy value otherwise (OEIS A134516). In other words: <...
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23 votes
41 answers

Proper Divisor mash-up

A proper divisor is a divisor of a number n, which is not n itself. For example, the proper divisors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. You will be given an integer x, x ≥ 2, x ≤ 1000. Your task is to sum ...
Mr. Xcoder's user avatar
  • 42.4k
25 votes
21 answers

Divinacci Sequence

Divinacci (OEIS) Perform the Fibonacci sequence but instead of using: f(n) = f(n-1)+f(n-2) Use: ...
Magic Octopus Urn's user avatar
15 votes
20 answers

Sum my Fibonaccified divisors!

The famous Fibonacci sequence is F(0) = 0; F(1) = 1; F(N+1) = F(N) + F(N-1) (for this challenge we are beginning with 0). Your challenge: Given n, output the sum ...
Neil A.'s user avatar
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15 votes
15 answers

Maximal mutually co-prime factorization

Definitions Two numbers are co-prime if their only positive common divisor is 1. A list of numbers is mutually co-prime if every pair of numbers within that list ...
Leaky Nun's user avatar
  • 50k
49 votes
97 answers

Division and remainder

This challenge, while probably trivial in most "standard" languages, is addressed to those languages which are so esoteric, low-level, and/or difficult to use that are very rarely seen on this site. ...
Leo's user avatar
  • 12.7k
17 votes
15 answers

Sum Chain Sequence

Sequence: We start at 1. We first add the current 1-indexed value to the previous number in the sequence. Then we apply the following mathematical operations in ...
Kevin Cruijssen's user avatar
17 votes
22 answers

Division of not so little numbers

Write a program or function that takes in positive integers a, b and c, and prints or ...
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24 votes
41 answers

Smallest palindrome divisible by the input

Given a positive integer N, output the smallest positive integer such that this number is a palindrome (i.e. is its own reverse) and is divisible by ...
Fatalize's user avatar
  • 39.1k
43 votes
116 answers

Divisibility test

Task Given two strictly positive integers n and d as input, determine whether n is evenly divisible by d, i.e., if there exists an integer q such that n = qd. You ...
Leaky Nun's user avatar
  • 50k
11 votes
8 answers

Draw a phi triangle

Clarification: Basically, you need to make this Euler's totient function has the name phi. Let's try to calculate phi(8) First, list all numbers 8 and under backwards, not including 0 or under <...
user avatar
32 votes
31 answers

Implement the divisibility-by-7 rule

To check whether a decimal number is divisible by 7: Erase the last digit. Multiply it by 2 and subtract from what is left. If the result is divisible by 7, the original number is divisible by 7. (...
anatolyg's user avatar
  • 13.7k
61 votes
90 answers

How even is a number?

The ancient Greeks had these things called singly and doubly even numbers. An example of a singly even number is 14. It can be divided by 2 once, and has at that point become an odd number (7), after ...
Gust van de Wal's user avatar
30 votes
6 answers

Have you been nice this year?

Introduction Santa has too many names to process, and needs your help! He needs you to write a program or a function, which outputs nice, ...
Adnan's user avatar
  • 44.5k
33 votes
68 answers

Count the divisors of a number

Introduction This is a very simple challenge: simply count the divisors of a number. We've had a similar but more complicated challenge before, but I'm intending this one to be entry-level. The ...
jqkul's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Calculate A(N) / B(N) with C(N) digits

Consider three number sequences, \$A\$, \$B\$ and \$C\$: \$A\$: A sequence based on recurrence relations, \$f(n) = f(n-1)+f(n-2)\$, starting with \$f(1) = 3, f(2) = 4\$. So, the sequence begins like ...
Stewie Griffin's user avatar
19 votes
12 answers

Sum of smallest prime factors

SF(n) is a function which computes the smallest prime factor for a given number n. We'll call T(N) the sum of every SF(n) with 2 <= n <= N. T(1) = 0 (the sum is over 0 summands) T(2) = 2 (2 ...
Nicolás Siplis's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

Closest fraction

Task: Your program is given a proper, positive simple fraction in the format <numerator>/<denominator>. For this input, it must find two fractions. A ...
user2428118's user avatar
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5 votes
14 answers

Divide Two Numbers Using Long Division [closed]

Your challenge is to divide two numbers using long division. The method we used to use in old days of school to divide two numbers. Example here You should NOT use ...
Mukul Kumar's user avatar
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15 votes
9 answers

Implement arbitrary precision division

Implement a function divide(int a, int b, int c) that prints the base 10 value of a/b. without using any floating point math nor ...
durron597's user avatar
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9 votes
17 answers

Implement division using only addition

There is a question on the site that asks to implement division without using division. In my case, I am asking you to do the same, but only using addition. What this means is basically: addition is ...
Joe Z.'s user avatar
  • 35.1k
50 votes
66 answers

Divide a number by 3 without using *, /, +, -, % operators [closed]

Quoting this question on SO (Spoiler alert!): This question has been asked in an Oracle interview. How would you divide a number by 3 without using *, /, +, -, %, operators? The number ...
Gaffi's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Which Numbers Would Crash this Function?

Which values of x and y will cause a crash with some C compilers? int f(int x, int y) { return (y==0) ? 0 : (x/y); }
ugoren's user avatar
  • 17.5k
22 votes
5 answers

Visualize long division with ASCII art

Write a program that visualizes long division with ASCII art. Input consists of two integers, a numerator and a denominator, using the input format of your choice. Examples: 1234 ÷ 56: <...
Joey Adams's user avatar
  • 10.6k
16 votes
28 answers

Implement division

Implement a division algorithm in your favourite language which handles integer division. It need only handle positive numbers - but bonus points if it handles negative and mixed-sign division, too. ...
Thomas O's user avatar
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