Score: 686
All snippets assume that the numbers are already loaded in cell 0 and 1 and that the pointer points to cell 0.
I can add an atoi snippet later if that's required for the challenge. For now, you can try the code like this:
+++++++++> number 1
++++< number 2
XOR, 221
Result is written to cell 10, pointer ends at cell 5
AND, 209
Result is written to cell 10, pointer ends at cell 5
OR, 211
Result is written to cell 10, pointer ends at cell 5
Rotate Left, 38
Result is written to cell 1, pointer ends at cell 4
NOT, 7
Result is written to cell 1, pointer ends at cell 0
XOR, AND and OR all work in a similiar fashion: Calculate n/2 for each number
and remember n mod 2. Calculate the logical XOR/AND/OR for the single bits. If
the resulting bit is set, add 2^n to the result. Repeat that 8 times.
This is the memory layout I used:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
n1 | n2 | marker | n/2 | 0 | counter | bit1 | bit2 |
8 9 10
temp | temp | result
Here's the source for XOR (numbers indicate where the pointer is at that time):
++++ ++++ counter
divide n1 by two
[ 0
>>+ set marker 2
<< 0
[->>->+<] dec marker inc n/2
>> 2 or 4
divide n2 by two
[ 1
>+ set marker 2
< 1
[->->+>>>>>] dec marker inc n/2
> 2 or 9
<<<< <<<<
>>[-<<+>>] 3
>>> 6
[->>+<<]>[>[-<->]<[->+<]]> one bit xor 8
[-]<<< 5
[->+>-<<] copy counter negative
> 6
+> 7
++++ +++ cell 6 contains a one and cell 7 how many bits to shift
[-<[->>++<<]>>[-<<+>>]<] 2^n
< 6
>> 8
For left rotate, once again there is a marker in cell 2 to determine if 2n
is zero, since you can only determine if a cell is non-zero directly. If
so, a carry bit is written to cell 4 and later added to 2n. This is the memory
0 1 2 3 4
n | 2n | marker | 0 | carry