Javascript, 103 96 93 89 88 87
f=(i=[...Array(17)].map((x,i)=>i<8?i:i-2*(i-8)))=>>>x+y>7?(x+y-7):' ').join``).join`\n`
I haven't looked at the other answers up until this point, and just started out with this spreadsheet. Just saw that this answer isn't too bad of a golf compared to the other Javascript answers.
I tried to be clever coming up with something that generates a particular array (i
) that I use for the x and y-axis. But it turns out, spelling out that array is shorter.
f=(i=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0])=>>>x+y>7?(x+y-7):' ').join``).join`\n`
Update. Spelling out the array differently, but I'm sure that I can golf this further
f=(i=[...'01234567876543210'])=>>>1*x+1*y>7?(1*x+1*y-7):' ').join``).join`\n`
Last update for tonight:
f=(i=[...'01234567876543210'])=>>>+x+1*y>7?+x+1*y-7:' ').join``).join`\n`
Getting rid of one more byte:
f=(i=[...'0'+10*11111111**2])=>>>+x+1*y>7?+x+1*y-7:' ').join``).join`\n`
And one more:
f=(i=[0,...11111111**2+'0'])=>>>+x+1*y>7?+x+1*y-7:' ').join``).join`\n`