Excel VBA, 81 Bytes
#Excel VBA, 81 76 Bytes
Anonymous VBE immediate window function that takes no input and outputs to the VBE Immediate Window
For i=-9To 8:For j=-8To 98:k=Absj=Abs(i)+Abs(j):l=l &IIfr=Mid(k>8," "987654321,9-kj+1):Next:?l:l=""Spc(j)StrReverse(r)Mid(r,2):Next
###Ungolfed##Old Version, 81 Bytes
Dim i As Integer, _
j As Integer, _
k As Integer, _
l As String
For i = i=-9 To9To 8 Step 1
:For j = j=-8 To8To 9 Step 1
k = Abs:k=Abs(i) + Abs+Abs(j)
l = l &:l=l IIf&IIf(k > 8k>8," ",9 - k)
:Next j
Debug.Print l
:?l = ""
:l="":Next i