When I was younger, I use to play a word game called Word chain. It was very simple. The first player chooses a word; the next player says another word that starts with the same letter the previous word ended with. This goes on forever until somebody gives up! Trick is, you cannot use the same word twice (unless everybody forgot that word was even used!). Usually we play with a certain topic to make it harder. But now, I want you to make a program to do this for me.
Write a full program or function to find all longest possible word chains using a given set of words and start word.
This is code-golf, so the shortest code wins!
There are two inputs: a list and a start word. The start word will not be in the list. The inputs are all lowercase ASCII, and the list will not contain duplicate words.
All sequences of words from the list such that:
The start word is the first word in the sequence.
Each subsequent word starts with the same letter as the last letter of the previous word.
The length of the sequence is the longest possible.
If there are multiple longest sequences, output all of them.
The sequence does not necessarily need to contain all of the list words. Sometimes that is not possible (see testcases). Again, no word can be used twice!
In: [hello, turtle, eat, cat, people] artistic
Out: [artistic, cat, turtle, eat]
In: [lemonade, meatball, egg, grape] ham
Out: [ham, meatball, lemonade, egg, grape]
In: [cat, cute, ewok] attic
Out: [attic, cute, ewok]
In:[cat, cute, ewok, kilo, to, otter] attic
Out: [attic, cute, ewok, kilo, otter]
In:[cat, today, yoda, attic] ferret
Out: [ferret, today, yoda, attic, cat]
In: [cancel, loitering, gnocchi, improv, vivic, child, despair, rat, tragic, chimney, rex, xylophone] attic
Out: [[attic, child, despair, rat, tragic, cancel, loitering, gnocchi, improv, vivic, chimney], [attic, cancel, loitering, gnocchi, improv, vivic, child, despair, ra', tragic, chimney]]
In: [cat, today, yoda, artistic, cute, ewok, kilo, to, otter] attic
Out: [attic, cat, today, yoda, artistic, cute, ewok, kilo, otter]