Define that the natural number p is a +1 prime of the natural number n if p is a prime number and the standard binary representation (i.e., without leading zeroes) of p can be obtained by adding (i.e., prepending, appending or inserting) a single 1 to the standard binary representation of n.
For example, the binary representation of 17 is 100012. The distinct natural numbers that can be formed by adding a 1 to 100012 are 1100012 or 49, 1010012 or 41, 1001012 or 37, and 1000112 or 35.
Among these, 41 and 37 are prime numbers, so 17 has two +1 primes.
Write a program or function that accepts a strictly positive integer n as input and prints or returns the number of distinct +1 primes of n.
Input and output must either be an integer, or its decimal or unary string representation.
Standard code-golf rules apply.
Test cases
Input: 4
Output: 0
Input: 1
Output: 1
Input: 17
Output: 2
Input: 33
Output: 3
Input: 553
Output: 4
Input: 3273
Output: 5
Input: 4145
Output: 6
Input: 4109
Output: 7
Input: 196869
Output: 8