

Eisenstein integers are complex numbers of the form


Where a,b are integers, and

ω = e^(2πi/3)

The Eisenstein integers form a triangular lattice in the complex plane:

Eisenstein Integers in the Complex Plane

We say that an Eisenstein integer z=a+bω is prime if it cannot be written as the product of two non-unit (not 1,-1,ω,-ω,ω^2, or -ω^2) Eisenstein integers


Input: A natural number n.

Output: The number of Eisenstein primes which are of the form a+bω for which a,b are natural numbers (including zero) less than or equal to n

Test Cases

0 → 0

1 → 0

2 → 5

3 → 9

4 → 13

5 → 20


This is code-golf, so least amount of bytes wins

  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Could you provide some test cases? \$\endgroup\$
    – Alex A.
    Commented Jun 13, 2016 at 0:35
  • \$\begingroup\$ I don't understand the test cases. The number of a,b pairs for 2 is only 4 so how could 5 of them be prime? \$\endgroup\$
    – Maltysen
    Commented Jun 13, 2016 at 1:07
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Maltysen let me rewrite the definition \$\endgroup\$
    – Meow Mix
    Commented Jun 13, 2016 at 1:20
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @user3502615 i'm talking about the part where you say "are of the form a+bω for which a,b are natural numbers (including zero) less than n" \$\endgroup\$
    – Maltysen
    Commented Jun 13, 2016 at 1:29
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Maltysen There are 5 numbers: 2ω, 2ω+1,2ω+2,ω+2, and 2 \$\endgroup\$
    – Meow Mix
    Commented Jun 13, 2016 at 4:05

3 Answers 3


Julia, 66 62 60 bytes

!n=sum(isprime,[a<1<b%3?b:a^2-a*b+b^2for a=[0;0;0:n],b=0:n])

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We’re interested in the primes in this parallelogram on the complex plane (example for n = 4):

enter image description here

We can split them into primes on the green lines, and on the gray lines.

Wikipedia tells me an Eisenstein number z is a green line Eisenstein prime iff |z| is a natural prime equal to 2 mod 3.

It also says z is a gray line Eisenstein prime iff |z|² = a² − ab + b² is a natural prime.

So we loop over a = 0…n and b = 0…n, and check:

  • If (a = 0 or b = 0 or a = b) and max(a, b) % 3 = 2, then count whether max(a, b) is a prime.

  • Else, count whether a² − ab + b² is a prime.

However, we can abuse the distribution’s symmetry. Instead of counting each green line once, we can just count one green line thrice! That is, only check a = 0 and increment the counter by three when we find a green line prime. The a=[0;0;0:n] achieves exactly this.

Since we know we’re only considering the green line a = 0, we can replace max(a, b) by b.

The “green line condition” is nicely expressed in Julia using operator chaining: a<1<b%3.

(For the remaining green lines, we will never return a false positive: if a = b or b = 0 then a² − ab + b² = a², which can’t be prime.)


Maybe, instead of writing a^2-a*b+b^2, I can conditionally replace the exponent at b by 1 when a<1<b%3 – then the expression reduces to b. This doesn’t seem to be shorter, but it’s neat!


Jelly, 24 bytes


Roughly the same approach as my Julia answer.

                          Initial argument: n
R                           Compute [1, 2, …, n]
 ð_²+×                      (λ, ρ) —→ (λ − ρ)² + λρ (which is λ² − λρ + ρ²)
      µ€                    Zip with itself. Call this Q.

        µ                 Refocus argument: Q
         ³                  The initial argument n
          RḊm3              Compute candidate green line primes: [2, 5, 8, …, n]
              ,             Call this P. Make pair with argument.

               µ          Refocus argument: [P, Q]
                ÆP          Check primality
                  ×1¦3      Multiply the first element by 3
                      FS    Sum everything
                            (The result is 3·countprimes(P) + countprimes(Q))

CJam (34 bytes)


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