This code-golf challenge (and test cases) are inspired by the work of Project Euler users amagri, Cees.Duivenvoorde, and oozk, and Project Euler Problem 751. (And no, this isn't on OEIS). Sandbox
A non-decreasing sequence of integers \$a_n\$ can be generated from any positive real value \$\theta\$ by the following procedure:
$$ \newcommand{\flr}[1]{\left\lfloor #1 \right\rfloor} \begin{align} b_n & = \begin{cases} \theta, & n = 1 \\ \flr {b_{n-1}} (b_{n-1} - \flr{b_{n-1}} + 1), & n \ge 2 \end{cases} \\ a_n & = \flr{b_n} \end{align} $$
Where \$\flr x\$ is the floor function.
For example, \$\theta=2.956938891377988...\$ generates the Fibonacci sequence: 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...
The concatenation of a sequence of positive integers \$a_n\$ is a real value denoted \$τ\$ constructed by concatenating the elements of the sequence after the decimal point, starting at \$a_1\$: $$\tau = a_1.a_2a_3a_4...$$
For example, the Fibonacci sequence constructed from \$\theta=2.956938891377988...\$ yields the concatenation \$τ=2.3581321345589...\$ Clearly, \$τ ≠ \theta\$ for this value of \$\theta\$.
We call a positive real number \$\theta\$ coincidental if \$\theta = τ\$ as generated above.
Given a natural number \$k > 0\$ as input, you must output the number of coincidental numbers \$\theta\$ such that \$k = \flr \theta\$.
Test Cases
1 -> 1
2 -> 1
3 -> 0
4 -> 2
5 -> 1
6 -> 0
7 -> 0
8 -> 0
9 -> 0
10 -> 1
11 -> 1
12 -> 1
13 -> 1
14 -> 1
15 -> 1
16 -> 2
17 -> 1
18 -> 1
19 -> 1
20 -> 2
21 -> 2
22 -> 1
23 -> 1
24 -> 1
25 -> 1
26 -> 1
27 -> 2
28 -> 2
29 -> 1
30 -> 2
31 -> 2
32 -> 1
33 -> 0
34 -> 1
35 -> 1
36 -> 3
37 -> 0
38 -> 2
39 -> 3
40 -> 1
41 -> 1
42 -> 1
43 -> 4
44 -> 3
45 -> 1
46 -> 1
47 -> 2
48 -> 2
49 -> 4
50 -> 1