
from Wikipedia, a number is called B-powersmooth if all prime powers \$p^v\$ that divide the number satisfy \$p^v \leq B\$. B-powersmoothness is important, for example, for Pollard's p-1 factorization algorithm.


your task is to get two numbers, \$n\$ and \$B\$, and output if \$n\$ is \$B\$-powersmooth.


  • You may take the input in any reasonable format
  • Since this is , the shortest code wins.
  • You can output a truthy/false value, or any two different values for true/false.
  • You can assume \$ 1 < B, n \$.

Test cases

n, b -> answer
3, 2 -> 0
10, 7 -> 1
123, 40 -> 0
123, 41 -> 1
64, 2 -> 0
64, 32 -> 0
64, 65 -> 1
720, 5 -> 0
720, 15 -> 0
720, 16 -> 1
20, 5 -> 1
  • \$\begingroup\$ Can we assume \$B \ge 1\$? \$\endgroup\$
    – ovs
    Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 7:44
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Brownie points for beating my 5 bytes 05AB1E solution \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 11:59
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Deadcode thanks, I'll add those \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 19:13
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Is this your solution? \$\endgroup\$
    – Makonede
    Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 19:34
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Makonede I had à@ in the end instead of @P, but it's about the same \$\endgroup\$ Commented Apr 1, 2021 at 4:17

19 Answers 19


J, 14 13 bytes


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-1 byte thanks to @Jonah

A dyadic function. The right argument is \$n\$, the left argument is \$B\$. Returns 0 if \$n\$ is \$B\$-powersmooth, 1 otherwise.

How it works

<[:>./2^/@p:]  NB. left arg = B, right arg = n
      2   p:]  NB. Prime factorization of n,
               NB. given as a 2-row matrix of [primes, exponents]
       ^/@     NB. Evaluate all pi^ei for each prime factor
 [:>./         NB. Maximum of all prime powers found above
<              NB. 1 if the above is greater than B, 0 otherwise
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Save 1 byte with <[:>./2^/@p:] \$\endgroup\$
    – Jonah
    Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 7:00
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Save 1 byte with OR@:<2^/@p:] \$\endgroup\$
    – FrownyFrog
    Commented Apr 1, 2021 at 20:33

Regex (ECMAScript), 61 bytes


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Takes \$n\$ and \$B\$ from input in unary as strings of xs whose length represents the number, separated by a ,.

Uses my prime power regex, and the same expression for cycling through divisors of N from largest to smallest as used in this problem.

# Take input as N in unary, followed by a comma, followed by B in unary
    (|x*)\1*(?=\1\b)  # cycle tail through all of the divisors of N, including N,
                      # from largest to smallest;
                      # \1 = the divisor, or zero if the divisor is N itself
    # Assert tail is a prime power
    (?!               # Assert that the following cannot match
        (             # Capture \2 to be the following:
            ((x+)x+)  # Cycle through all values of \4 and \3 such that \3 > \4 > 1
            (?=\3+,)  # such that \3 is a proper divisor of N
            \3*\4     # Cycle through all values of \2 > \3 that aren't divisible
                      # by \3, by letting \2 = \3 * A + \4 where A >= 0
        \2+,          # where \2 is a proper divisor of N
    (x*)              # \5 = the largest prime power factor of N
.*,                   # tail = B
\5                    # Assert that \5 <= B

Regex (ECMAScript), 61 59 bytes

Adapting Neil's idea of taking the arguments in \$(B,n)\$ order saves 2 bytes:


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(For convenience, this test harness takes the arguments in \$(n,B)\$ order and passes them to the regex in reverse order.)

# Take input as B in unary, followed by a comma, followed by N in unary
(x*),                 # \1 = B; tail = N
(?!                   # Assert that the following cannot match
    (x*)\2*(?=\2\b)   # cycle tail through all of the divisors of N, including N;
                      # \2 = the divisor, or zero if the divisor is N itself
    # Assert tail is a prime power
    (?!               # Assert that the following cannot match
        (             # Capture \3 to be the following:
            ((x+)x+)  # Cycle through all values of \5 and \4 such that \4 > \5 > 1
            (?=\4+$)  # such that \4 is a proper divisor of N
            \4*\5     # Cycle through all values of \3 > \4 that aren't divisible
                      # by \4, by letting \3 = \4 * A + \5 where A >= 0
        \3+$          # where \3 is a proper divisor of N
    x\1               # Assert tail > B

Regex (ECMAScript 2018 / .NET), 54 52 bytes

-2 bytes by using Neil's idea but with the arguments in \$(n,B)\$ order


Try it online! - ECMAScript 2018
Try it online! - .NET

This works by first capturing \$B\$, then asserting that there does not exist any \$a>B\$ for which \$a\$ is a prime power that divides \$N\$.

# Take input as N in unary, followed by a comma, followed by B in unary
$                     # head = B
(?<!                  # Negative lookbehind; assert that it's not possible to find a
                      # match for the following. Evaluated from right-to-left, so read
                      # the inside of this from bottom to top (but go back to top-down
                      # order for reading inside the negative lookbehind)
    ^\4*              # Assert that \4 divides N
    # Assert tail is a prime power
    (?!               # Negative lookahead; assert that the following cannot match
        (             # Capture \1 to be the following:
            ((x+)x+)  # Cycle through all values of \3 and \2 such that \2 > \3 > 1
            (?=\2+,)  # such that \2 is a proper divisor of N
            \2*\3     # Cycle through all values of \1 > \2 that aren't divisible
                      # by \2, by letting \1 = \2 * A + \3 where A >= 0
        \1+,          # where \2 is a proper divisor of N
    (x+\5)            # \4 = tail = any divisor of N greater than B; the "^\5*" above
                      #      asserts it to be a divisor of N. Note that in most regex
                      #      engines, putting the "^\5*" later than the negative
                      #      assertion, as is the case here, results in a slowdown, as
                      #      non-divisors of N will be tested for being prime powers.
    ,(x+)             # \5 = head = B

MATL, 6 bytes


Inputs n then B.

Outputs 0 if n is B-powersmooth or 1 otherwise.

Try it online! Or verify all test cases

How it works

&YF  % Implicit input: n. Factorization with primes and exponents as separate outputs
^    % Element-wise power
<    % Implicit input: B. Less-than comparison, element-wise
a    % Any: gives true (1) if any value is nonzero, or false (0) otherwise
     % Implicit display

Brachylog, 5 bytes


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Takes \$n\$ through the input variable and \$B\$ through the output variable; fails if \$n\$ is \$B\$-powersmooth and succeeds if not.

 ḅ       Take the runs of consecutive equal elements from
ḋ        the prime factors of n.
  ∋      For some run,
   ×     the product of its elements
    >    is greater than B.

Factor + math.primes.factors, 37 bytes

[ group-factors unzip v^ supremum < ]

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It's a quotation (anonymous function) that takes B and n (in that order) as input and returns a (flipped) boolean as output.

  • group-factors obtain the prime factorization of n as a sequence of pairs
  • unzip get the factors in one sequence and the exponents in another
  • v^ element-wise exponentiation of two vectors
  • supremum find the maximum value
  • < is B less than this value?

Husk, 8 7 bytes


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      p        # get the list of prime factors of arg2;
     g         # group equal ones together
   mΠ          # and multiply them together (to get the prime power divisors);
  ▲            # get the maximum of these;
≤⁰             # is it ≤ arg1?

Jelly, 7 bytes


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Similar to Bubbler's answer. Returns a flipped boolean.


ÆF*/€Ṁ< Main link: takes  n on the left, and B on the right
ÆF      prime factor and exponent pairs
  */€   reduce each by exponentiation
     Ṁ  maximum
      > greater than B?
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ < should be an equivalent of instead (or > to get a flipped boolean). \$\endgroup\$
    – Bubbler
    Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 6:45

Python 2, 68 bytes

The output is a positive integer for truthy cases and a 0 otherwise.

f=lambda n,b,p=2,m=1:b/m*(n<2or f(*[n/p,n,b,b,p,p+1,m*p][n%p>0::2]))

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f=lambda n,b,p=2,m=1:         # recursive function taking 4 arguments
                              # n, b - inputs from the challenge
                              # p=2  - candidate for a prime dividing n
                              # m=1  - a power of p dividing the original input n
b/m*( ... )                   # floor division, this is 0 if m>b
     n<2or ...                # if n==1, return True (1), else:
           f(*[ ... ][1::2])  # if n%p>0 (p does not divide n):
        == f(n,b,p+1)         #   try next p
           f(*[ ... ][0::2])  # if n%p==0 (p divides n):
        == f(n/p,b,p,m*p)     #   divide n by p, update power of p, m

Haskell, 108 107 bytes

n#b=all(<=b)$foldl g[1]$n!2

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  • saved 1 thanks to @Unrelated String

  • ! finds all prime factors : it divides n by 2 while modulo is 0 then by 3, then by 4.. Wait 4 is not prime! Ah but it was already factorized by 2

  • g all that to group factors

  • # finally we return True if all are <= B


JavaScript (ES6),  53  52 bytes

Expects (b)(n). Returns 0 or true.


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b =>          // outer function taking b = powersmoothness rank
g = (         // recursive inner function taking:
  n,          //   n = input integer whose b-powersmoothness is tested
  i =         //   i = exponentiation of the current prime divisor,
              //       which must never exceed b
  d = 1       //   d = prime divisor candidate
) =>          //
i > b ?       // if i is greater than b:
  0           //   failure: stop and return 0
:             // else:
  n % ++d ?   //   increment d; if it's not a divisor of n:
    d > n     //     stop and return true if it's greater than n
    ||        //     otherwise:
      g(      //       do a recursive call:
        n,    //         pass n unchanged
        1     //         reset i to 1 while leaving d unchanged
      )       //       end of recursive call
  :           //   else (d is a prime divisor of n):
    g(        //     do a recursive call:
      n / d,  //       divide n by d
      i * d-- //       multiply i by d, decrement d afterwards
    )         //     end of recursive call

Retina 0.8.2, 63 59 58 bytes


Try it online! Takes line-separated input n,B but test suite converts from comma-separated for convenience. Edit: Saved 1 byte thanks to a hint by @Deadcode. Explanation:


Convert n and B to unary.


Try to find (in $4) an integer that is greater than b, a power of a prime, and a factor of n. The r flag makes the expression match from the right, so $5 is matched to b first, then $4, then $4 is checked for the power of a prime (taken from @Deadcode's answer to Is it almost-prime?, matching left-to-right as it is a lookahead), then it is checked for a factor of n. The previous 63-byte version was faster because it checked for factors before prime powers: Try it online!


Check that there wasn't a match.

  • \$\begingroup\$ It's also 63 bytes with the arguments in non-reversed order and no need to logical-not the truthiness of the regex: Try it online! (this is just my ECMAScript 2018 regex) \$\endgroup\$
    – Deadcode
    Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 10:59
  • \$\begingroup\$ 60 bytes: Try it online! \$\endgroup\$
    – Deadcode
    Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 11:37
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Deadcode I found a better golf... slow though! \$\endgroup\$
    – Neil
    Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 12:15
  • \$\begingroup\$ Oh, nicely done! Why do I always forget to do that (?=A)(?!B)(?!B)A golf. At this point it's really rather ridiculous how many times I've forgotten to do it! \$\endgroup\$
    – Deadcode
    Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 17:08
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Deadcode You know what? I had previously investigated reversing my original 63-byte version, but because it costs a byte to reverse the match direction with the r flag, and I had a lookahead which would have turned into a lookbehind, it would still have been 63 bytes. But of course I've now eliminated the lookahead... I think your ^\5* needs to be ^\4* though. \$\endgroup\$
    – Neil
    Commented Mar 31, 2021 at 18:54

05AB1E, 5 bytes

Ties Unrelated String's Brachylog answer for #1.


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ÒγP@P  # full program
    P  # product of...
       # (implicit) list of...
   @   # whether...
       # implicit input...
   @   # is greater than or equal to...
  P    # products of...
 γ     # consecutive runs of...
Ò      # prime factors of...
       # implicit input
       # implicit output

C (gcc), 66 64 bytes


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Takes two integers \$n\$ and \$B\$ as input and returns \$1\$ if \$n\$ is \$B\$-powersmooth or \$0\$ otherwise.


t;r;p;f(n,B){                           // function taking two int inputs
                                        // n and B
             for(r=p=1;                 // loop over prime factors p of n
                                        // also init return value r to 1
                       n/++p;           // loop while p<=n also bump p
                             r&=t/n<=B) // at the end of each loop check that
                                        // the current prime power factor of
                                        // n (t/n) is less than or equal to B
                  for(                  // loop to strip n of all its
                                        // prime factors p
                      t=n;              // save copy of n in t before 
                                        // removing all p factors
                          n%p<1;        // loop while p is a factor of n
                                n/=p);  // reduce n by p  
             t=r;                       // return r  

Pyth, 24 23 bytes

FkrPE8 aY^@k1@k0;<eSYhE

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Fk    For loop with the iterator as k
E     Take first input.
PE    List of prime factors
rPE8  Run length encoding over the list, eg: [2, 2, 3] becomes [[2, 2], [1, 3]]
Y     Initialized to an empty list by default.
@k1   Element at index 1 of k.
@k0   Element at index 0 of k.
^     Apply exponentiation.
aY    Append element to Y
SY    Sort Y
e     Last element
hE    Take next input and increment by 1
<     Is it less than?

Ruby, 48 bytes

->n,b{(2..n).none?{|x|n/(n/=x while n%x<1;n)>b}}

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JavaScript (Node.js), 76 bytes

n=>g=b=>{for(++b,p=1;b%++p;);for(q=b;q%p<1;q/=p);return n%b|q>1&&b<n&&g(b);}

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Return false if n is B-powersmooth. Return 0 otherwise. (as per two different values rule)


Charcoal, 37 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Outputs a Charcoal boolean, i.e. - for smooth, nothing if not. Explanation:


Input n and find its prime factors (taken from my answer to Zeroes at end of \$n!\$ in base \$m\$).


Raise each prime factor to its multiplicity and compare the largest to B.


Excel, 149 bytes



=LET(                                        'function that allows variable assignment,
                                                 returns the value of the last parameter
q,SEQUENCE(A2)                               'q = list of numbers from 1 to n
f,(MOD(A2,q)=0)*q                            'f = if n mod q = 0 then q else 0
o,(MMULT(1*(MOD(f,TRANSPOSE(q))=0),q^0)=2)*f 'o = if f is prime then f else 0
         1*(MOD(f,TRANSPOSE(q))=0)           'matrix of f by q where 1 indicates f mod q = 0
                                   q^0       'vertical matrix of q 1's
   MMULT(                             )      'need to use matrix multiplication to sum  
                                                 each row inside a LET
                                       =2)*f 'if sum of the row is 2 (prime) then f else 0
p,FILTER(o,o)                                'p = all o where o <> 0
        1*(MOD(f,TRANSPOSE(p))=0)            'matrix of f by p where 1 indicates f mod p = 0
MAX((MMULT(                   ,p^0)=1*f)<=b2 'TRUE if largest f with one prime factor <= b



Orst, 18 bytes


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As hex bytes, this is

DE 87 FF D0 E7 FF 47 FF A0 FF 47 18 DD 0E FF A5 2F D4

Encoding as UTF-8:

Þ‡ÿÐçÿGÿ ÿGÝÿ¥/Ô

How it works

κñˋςᏓ{ᏓĖΐÇ}Ñδ - Full program. Takes b, then a
κ             - Save b in variable $x
 ñˋ           - Remove and swap. Stack is [a]
   ςᏓ         - Base-and-powers; Prime decomposition of a
     {    }Ñ  - Over each pair:
      ᏓĖ      -   Reduce by power
        ΐ     -   Retrieve b
         Ç    -   Less than or equal?
            δ - True for all?

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