- Two numbers are co-prime if their only positive common divisor is
. - A list of numbers is mutually co-prime if every pair of numbers within that list are co-prime with each other.
- A factorization of number
is a list of numbers whose product isn
Given a positive number n
, output the mutually co-prime factorization of n
with the maximum length that does not include 1
For n=60
, the answer is [3,4,5]
, because 3*4*5=60
and no other mutually co-prime factorization without 1
has length greater than or equal to 3
, the length of the factorization.
Rules and freedoms
- You can use any reasonable input/output format.
- The entries in the output list do not need to be sorted.
n output
1 []
2 [2]
3 [3]
4 [4]
5 [5]
6 [2, 3]
7 [7]
8 [8]
9 [9]
10 [2, 5]
11 [11]
12 [3, 4]
13 [13]
14 [2, 7]
15 [3, 5]
16 [16]
17 [17]
18 [2, 9]
19 [19]
20 [4, 5]
21 [3, 7]
22 [2, 11]
23 [23]
24 [3, 8]
25 [25]
26 [2, 13]
27 [27]
28 [4, 7]
29 [29]
30 [2, 3, 5]
31 [31]
32 [32]
33 [3, 11]
34 [2, 17]
35 [5, 7]
36 [4, 9]
37 [37]
38 [2, 19]
39 [3, 13]
40 [5, 8]
41 [41]
42 [2, 3, 7]
43 [43]
44 [4, 11]
45 [5, 9]
46 [2, 23]
47 [47]
48 [3, 16]
49 [49]
50 [2, 25]
51 [3, 17]
52 [4, 13]
53 [53]
54 [2, 27]
55 [5, 11]
56 [7, 8]
57 [3, 19]
58 [2, 29]
59 [59]
60 [3, 4, 5]
61 [61]
62 [2, 31]
63 [7, 9]
64 [64]
65 [5, 13]
66 [2, 3, 11]
67 [67]
68 [4, 17]
69 [3, 23]
70 [2, 5, 7]
71 [71]
72 [8, 9]
73 [73]
74 [2, 37]
75 [3, 25]
76 [4, 19]
77 [7, 11]
78 [2, 3, 13]
79 [79]
80 [5, 16]
81 [81]
82 [2, 41]
83 [83]
84 [3, 4, 7]
85 [5, 17]
86 [2, 43]
87 [3, 29]
88 [8, 11]
89 [89]
90 [2, 5, 9]
91 [7, 13]
92 [4, 23]
93 [3, 31]
94 [2, 47]
95 [5, 19]
96 [3, 32]
97 [97]
98 [2, 49]
99 [9, 11]
This is code-golf. Shortest answer in bytes wins.
.) \$\endgroup\$