Python 2, 68 bytes
The output is a positive integer for truthy cases and a 0
f=lambda n,b,p=2,m=1:b/m*(n<2or f(*[n/p,n,b,b,p,p+1,m*p][n%p>0::2]))
f=lambda n,b,p=2,m=1: # recursive function taking 4 arguments
# n, b - inputs from the challenge
# p=2 - candidate for a prime dividing n
# m=1 - a power of p dividing the original input n
b/m*( ... ) # floor division, this is 0 if m>b
n<2or ... # if n==1, return True (1), else:
f(*[ ... ][1::2]) # if n%p>0 (p does not divide n):
== f(n,b,p+1) # try next p
f(*[ ... ][0::2]) # if n%p==0 (p divides n):
== f(n/p,b,p,m*p) # divide n by p, update power of p, m