
Once upon a time I wanted to order custom tokens for a board game. They say they can do it, and then they present me their price list. I was confused because they charge per inch of head movement, and I have no idea how much will my tokens cost.

INPUT: a 2d grid:

  • |,-,\,/ are straight cuts. Each has a length of 1.
  • ,,, are 90 degree corner cuts. Each has length of 1.\$^1\$
  • #,@ are 45 and 135 degree corner cuts respectively. Each has a length of 1.20.
  • +,X are perpendicularly intersecting cuts. Each has a length of 1.
  • >,v,<,^ are the cut ends. Each has a length of:
    • 1.50, if the arrow points at the diagonal cut,
    • 1, if the arrow points at the beginning of next cut,
    • 0.50 otherwise.
  • ABC...UVWYZabc...xyz are the cut start points given in that order. They have a length of:
    • 0.50, if no other already made cuts are neighboring them,
    • 1.50, if if the cut begins next to the diagonal cut,
    • 1 otherwise.

OUTPUT: Distance that a head will move with up to 2 significant digits.

Assume that:

  • The company doesn't count distance from resting position to starting point of the first cut,
  • Each cut is made only once (intersections cut twice on the same character),
  • All grids are valid,
  • The head moves from the end of a cut to the beginning of another cut in a straight line.

Obviously no standard loopholes, and the shortest code in each language wins!


Output: 0

A> B>

Output: 4


Output: 16


Output: 7.5


Output: 11.4 (Note: First the head cuts bottom-left triangle, then moves its head to the beginning of top-right triangle cut. 45 degree corners take continuations first instead of new cuts.)

^  \  |

Output: 21.15

A-┐ ┌--┐ ┌-┐ ┌--┐ C-┐ ┌--┐ ┌-┐ ┌--┐
^ | |  | | | |  | ^ | |  | | | |  |
└-+-+--┘ └-+-+--┘ └-+-+--┘ └-+-+--┘
  | |      B |      | |      D |   
  └-┘      ^-┘      └-┘      ^-┘   

Output: 138.41

 X \
@ @-#

Output: 13.5

A> F> K> P> U> a>
B> G> L> Q> V> b>
C> H> M> R> W> c>
D> I> N> S> Y> d>
E> J> O> T> Z> e┐

Output: 104.29

\$^1\$ If needed, replace this with a set of your choice.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Can we use swap the 4 90 degree cut symbols for ASCII symbols (e.g. use 1,2,3,4) instead? \$\endgroup\$
    – Veskah
    Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 13:13
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ You should explain what you mean by "next to a diagonal cut". I thought it'd mean adjacent to # or @ (since 45° and 135° lines are diagonals), but this doesn't fit with the test cases. \$\endgroup\$
    – Grimmy
    Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 15:43
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ The output is defined as the distance that the head moves, but there's almost no explanation of how the head moves. Each character is associated with a "value"; are those actually distances? "The head moves from the end of the first cut to the beginning of the second cut in a straight line"; is that specific to the first cut, or true for all pairs of consecutive cuts? \$\endgroup\$
    – Grimmy
    Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 17:00


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