
The challenge here is to take a string and output all its rotations, by repeatedly moving the first character to the end, once per character in the string, ending with the original string:

john -> ohnj, hnjo, njoh, john

You may also cycle in the other direction, moving characters from the end:

john -> njoh, hnjo, ohnj, john

You should still output one rotation per letter even if the original word is reached before that:

heehee -> eeheeh, eheehe, heehee, eeheeh, eheehe, heehee

Character arrays are allowed, as long as the result works as shown above.

Shortest answer wins!

  • 7
    \$\begingroup\$ If a string like heehee returns to the original order in fewer cycles than its length, do we stop there? I expect this would make a big difference for many answers. \$\endgroup\$
    – xnor
    Commented Dec 8, 2018 at 22:43
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ May we cycle in the other direction? \$\endgroup\$
    – xnor
    Commented Dec 8, 2018 at 22:45
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ I edited the question including your clarifications, feel free to change it if it's not what you intended. \$\endgroup\$
    – xnor
    Commented Dec 8, 2018 at 23:28
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @xnor that looks much clearer than my original post, thanks so much! \$\endgroup\$
    – SimpleGeek
    Commented Dec 9, 2018 at 13:38
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Are we allowed to input/output character arrays? (The distinction can be important in some languages.) \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 9, 2018 at 18:09

78 Answers 78

1 2

Swift 5.9, 65 59 57 bytes

var s="",r={s=$0

r(_:) is the closure to call.


PowerShell, 51 bytes


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Octave, 54 bytes


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I see basically two options here: subsetting + concatenation and using a built-in circshift to rotate a string. The built-in approach turned to be the shorter one.


Forth (gforth), 62 bytes

: f >r i for j 0 do dup i j + k mod + 1 type loop cr next r> ;

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Input is the form of a standard forth string (addr & length) on the stack. Output is printed, one permutation per line, in "reverse" (moving characters from the end). Saved several bytes by abusing the return stack, to cut out a bunch of normal stack manipulation.

Code Explanation

: f           \ start a new word definition
  >r          \ place string length on the return stack
  i for       \ start a reverse counted loop from len to 0
    j 0 do    \ start a counted loop from 0 to len
      dup     \ duplicate the string starting address
      i j +   \ add current index and offset
      k mod   \ Get the total modulo the string length to get current char index
      +       \ add the current char index to the string starting address
      1 type  \ output the current char
    loop      \ end the inner counted loop
    cr        \ output a newline
  next        \ end the outer reverse counted loo
  r>          \ remove the string length from the return stack
;             \ end word definition

C++, 320 bytes

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){std::string i=std::string(argv[1]);std::vector<std::string>r;std::cout<<i<<" -> ";for(int a=0;a<i.size();a++){std::rotate(i.begin(),i.begin()+1,i.end());r.push_back(i);}for(const auto& b:r){std::cout<<b<<" ";}}
  • \$\begingroup\$ Welcome to Code Golf, and nice first answer! Be sure to check out our Tips for golfing in C page for ways you can golf your program! You might want to edit in a Try it online link so others can test your code, and you can save a few bytes by renaming argc and argv, and not printing the abc -> part as it's not part of the challenge. \$\endgroup\$
    – emanresu A
    Commented Jul 11 at 22:03
  • \$\begingroup\$ 140 bytes \$\endgroup\$
    – ceilingcat
    Commented Nov 9 at 17:20

min, 30 bytes

(dup(swap rest append dup)map)

Takes a list of characters and outputs a list of lists of characters.

running the code + output


Pyth, 11 bytes


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Pretty much just a port of my Python answer


for N in num_to_range(Psorted(Plen(Q))):

V                    # for N in 
 S                   # 1-indexed range
  lQ                 # length of evaluated input
    +                # concatanate
     >QN             # all characters after index N in Q (Q[N:])
        <QN          # and all characters before index N in Q (Q[:N])

Clojure, 64 bytes

(fn[w](take(count w)(rest(iterate #(str(subs % 1)(first %))w))))

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See the pre-golfed code below for an explanation. Returns a (lazy) list of strings.

(defn cycle-word [word]
  (->> ; Take the word

       ; Create an infinite list of iterations of strings where
       ;   the first character is moved to the end of the subs(tring)
       (iterate #(str (subs % 1) (first %)))

       ; Drop the first result since we don't want it to start with the original word

       ; Then take as many iterations from the infinite list as the word has characters
       (take (count word))))

(cycle-word "john")
=> ("ohnj" "hnjo" "njoh" "john")

Pyth, 7 bytes


Accepts input as a string or as a list of characters, output is a list of the same. Try it online here.


Ruby, 33 bytes


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JavaScript, 36 bytes

Saved 3 bytes thanks to @Shaggy by using shift() instead of splice().


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Runic Enchantments, 59 bytes

>iu0l:1-}[{ R{:0=1\
\}?*2=0:-1{]{~ /;$~

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Can handle inputs up to 8 characters (spaces need to be escaped, however).

Essentially just a bunch of stack manipulation, with integer 0 denoting the end of the stack and the original length used as a counter held at the end.

Without using the stack-of-stacks commands [ and ] the solution is slightly larger (63 bytes) but can handle strings up to 16 characters:

>iu0l1-}l1-sRl1-s:0 \

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Reticular, 56 38 bytes


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Explanation with input "Hee"

iS                # Read input string and put its chars into an array
L:%=              # Get length of string and save it as `%`
@qB               # Reverse array and push its items to the stack
                   Stack: [H, e, e]
[:%`@d]:%`*       # Duplicates the top length(str) items in the stack
                   a total of length(str) number of times
                   Stack before: [H, e, e]
                   Stack after: [H, e, e, H, e, e, H, e, e, H, e, e]
[[o]:%`1-*p$]:%`* # Output the top length(str) items from the stack
                    with a trailing newline, and then
                    pop the next item in the stack.
                    Iterate this `%` number of times
                    Stack before: [H, e, e, H, e, e, H, e, e, H, e, e]

                    Stack after 1st iteration: [e, e, H, e, e, H, e, e]
                    Output: Hee
                    Stack after 2nd iteration: [e, H, e, e]
                    Output: Hee
                    Stack after 3rd iteration: []
                    Output: Hee

;                 # Exit

PHP, 63 bytes

for($s=$argv[1];$x++<strlen($s);)echo$s=substr($s,1).$s[0]," ";

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$php strrot.php john
ohnj hnjo njoh john

$php strrot.php heehee
eeheeh eheehe heehee eeheeh eheehe heehee

C# (.NET Core), 103, 79 bytes

Without LINQ.

EDIT: ASCII-only golfing -24 bytes with a better use of a for loop and substring return!

p=>{var s="";for(int j=0;j++<p.Length;s+=p+" ")p=p.Substring(1)+p[0];return s;}

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  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ 79 \$\endgroup\$
    – ASCII-only
    Commented Jan 18, 2019 at 3:08

cQuents, 11 bytes


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=A              first term in sequence is the input
  #|LA)         add second input n: length of input
       &        output first n terms in sequence
                each term equals:
        _l                        unary rotate left of 
          Z                                            previous term

Replace _l with _r to rotate right instead of left.


sed 4.2.2 -r, 34 bytes


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honestly surprised there's not a sed answer here yet, this is something sed does well. it holds the string, and then puts the first char at the end and deletes a char from the held string until there's no more held string


Raku, 20 bytes

{.rotate(all 1..$_)}

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Anonymous code block that has input/output as a list of characters. The output is a Junction object that contains all the rotated arrays. I'm not sure how legal this is, since extracting values from a Junction is not normal.


{                  }   # Anonymous codeblock
 .rotate(         )    # Rotate the input list
         all 1..$_     # By all of the range 1 to length of the input array
                          # all creates a junction of values
                          # And it runs the function on each value

The all can be replaced by any of any, one, [&], [|], [^].

If the Junction isn't allowed, here's an alternate solution:

Raku, 20 bytes


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There's probably a better way to reset the anonymous variable ++$ than by wrapping the code in another code block... There is! And it's the same size as the Junction solution somehow.

1 2

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