Rotonyms 2
A "Rotonym" is a word that ROT13s into another word (in the same language).
For this challenge, we'll use an alternate definition: a "Rotonym" is a word that circular shifts/rotates into another word (in the same language).
For example:
'stable' < 'tables' < 'ablest'
'abort' > 'tabor'
'tada' >> 'data'
The Challenge
Write a program or function that accepts a dictionary/word list and prints or returns a complete list of rotonyms.
- Order doesn't matter.
- Comparisons should be case-insensitive, so you can assume the input will be passed as a lower-case-only dictionary.
- Result should be expressed as single words (not the pairs) and contain no duplicates, so you can assume the input has no duplicates.
- This is code-golf.
A Real Test
a aa aal aalii aam aani aardvark aardwolf aaron aaronic aaronical aaronite aaronitic aaru ab aba ababdeh ababua abac abaca abacate abacay abacinate abacination abaciscus abacist aback abactinal abactinally abaction abactor abaculus abacus abadite abaff abaft abaisance abaiser abaissed abalienate abalienation abalone abama abampere abandon abandonable abandoned abandonedly abandonee abandoner abandonment abanic abantes abaptiston abarambo abaris abarthrosis abarticular abarticulation abas abase abased abasedly abasedness abasement abaser abasgi abash abashed abashedly abashedness abashless abashlessly abashment abasia abasic abask abassin abastardize abatable abate abatement abater abatis abatised abaton abator abattoir abatua abature abave abaxial abaxile abaze abb abba abbacomes abbacy abbadide abbas abbasi abbassi abbasside abbatial abbatical abbess abbey abbeystede abbie abbot abbotcy abbotnullius abbotship abbreviate abbreviately abbreviation abbreviator abbreviatory abbreviature abby abcoulomb abdal abdat abderian abderite abdest abdicable abdicant abdicate abdication abdicative abdicator abdiel abditive abditory abdomen abdominal abdominales abdominalian abdominally abdominoanterior abdominocardiac abdominocentesis abdominocystic abdominogenital abdominohysterectomy abdominohysterotomy abdominoposterior abdominoscope abdominoscopy abdominothoracic abdominous abdominovaginal abdominovesical abduce abducens abducent abduct abduction abductor abe abeam abear abearance abecedarian abecedarium abecedary abed abeigh abel abele abelia abelian abelicea abelite abelmoschus abelmosk abelonian abeltree abencerrages abenteric abepithymia aberdeen aberdevine aberdonian aberia aberrance aberrancy aberrant aberrate aberration aberrational aberrator aberrometer aberroscope aberuncator abet abetment ablest abort abut ach ache acher achete achill achor acor acre acyl ad adad adat add addlings adet ala ama baa bafta balonea batea beta caba cha chilla cora crea da dad dada data each lacy orach rache saddling stable tables tabor tabu tade teache zoquean zoraptera zorgite zoril zorilla zorillinae zorillo zoroastrian zoroastrianism zoroastrism zorotypus zorrillo zorro zosma zoster zostera zosteraceae zosteriform zosteropinae zosterops zouave zounds zowie zoysia zubeneschamali zuccarino zucchetto zucchini zudda zugtierlast zugtierlaster zuisin zuleika zulhijjah zulinde zulkadah zulu zuludom zuluize zumatic zumbooruk zuni zunian zunyite zupanate zutugil zuurveldt zuza zwanziger zwieback zwinglian zwinglianism zwinglianist zwitter zwitterion zwitterionic zyga zygadenine zygadenus zygaena zygaenid zygaenidae zygal zygantra zygantrum zygapophyseal zygapophysis zygion zygite zygnema zygnemaceae zygnemales zygnemataceae zygnemataceous zygnematales zygobranch zygobranchia zygobranchiata zygobranchiate zygocactus zygodactyl zygodactylae zygodactyli zygodactylic zygodactylism zygodactylous zygodont zygolabialis zygoma zygomata zygomatic zygomaticoauricular zygomaticoauricularis zygomaticofacial zygomaticofrontal zygomaticomaxillary zygomaticoorbital zygomaticosphenoid zygomaticotemporal zygomaticum zygomaticus zygomaxillare zygomaxillary zygomorphic zygomorphism zygomorphous zygomycete zygomycetes zygomycetous zygon zygoneure zygophore zygophoric zygophyceae zygophyceous zygophyllaceae zygophyllaceous zygophyllum zygophyte zygopleural zygoptera zygopteraceae zygopteran zygopterid zygopterides zygopteris zygopteron zygopterous zygosaccharomyces zygose zygosis zygosperm zygosphenal zygosphene zygosphere zygosporange zygosporangium zygospore zygosporic zygosporophore zygostyle zygotactic zygotaxis zygote zygotene zygotic zygotoblast zygotoid zygotomere zygous zygozoospore zymase zyme zymic zymin zymite zymogen zymogene zymogenesis zymogenic zymogenous zymoid zymologic zymological zymologist zymology zymolyis zymolysis zymolytic zymome zymometer zymomin zymophore zymophoric zymophosphate zymophyte zymoplastic zymoscope zymosimeter zymosis zymosterol zymosthenic zymotechnic zymotechnical zymotechnics zymotechny zymotic zymotically zymotize zymotoxic zymurgy zyrenian zyrian zyryan zythem zythia zythum zyzomys zyzzogeton
aal aam aba abac abaft abalone abate abet ablest abort abut ach ache acher achete achill achor acor acre acyl ad adad adat add addlings adet ala ama baa bafta balonea batea beta caba cha chilla cora crea da dad dada data each lacy orach rache saddling stable tables tabor tabu tade teache
, you got some odd words there. \$\endgroup\$