Create a bot to choose the smallest unique number.
(Based on a psychology experiment I heard about many years ago but haven't been able to track down again.)
- Each game will consist of 10 randomly selected bots playing 1000 rounds.
- Each round, all bots select an integer from 1 to 10 (inclusive). Any bots that choose the same value will be be excluded, and the remaining bot with the smallest value will receive a point.
- In the event that no bot picks a unique value, no points will be awarded.
- At the end of 1000 rounds, the bot with the most points (or all bots tied with the most points) wins the game.
- The tournament will last 200 * (number of players) games.
- The bot with the highest win percentage wins the tournament.
Bots must be Python 3 classes and must implement two methods: select
and update
Bots will be constructed with an index.
is passed no arguments and returns the bot's choice for the current round.
is passed a list of the choices made by each bot in the previous round.
class Lowball(object):
def __init__(self, index):
# Initial setup happens here.
self.index = index
def select(self):
# Decision-making happens here.
return 1
def update(self, choices):
# Learning about opponents happens here.
# Note that choices[self.index] will be this bot's choice.
import numpy as np
from bots import allBotConstructors
allIndices = range(len(allBotConstructors))
games = {i: 0 for i in allIndices}
wins = {i: 0 for i in allIndices}
for _ in range(200 * len(allBotConstructors)):
# Choose players.
playerIndices = np.random.choice(allIndices, 10, replace=False)
players = [allBotConstructors[j](i) for i, j in enumerate(playerIndices)]
scores = [0] * 10
for _ in range(1000):
# Let everyone choose a value.
choices = [ for bot in players]
for bot in players:
# Find who picked the best.
unique = [x for x in choices if choices.count(x) == 1]
if unique:
scores[choices.index(min(unique))] += 1
# Update stats.
for i in playerIndices:
games[i] += 1
bestScore = max(scores)
for i, s in enumerate(scores):
if s == bestScore:
wins[playerIndices[i]] += 1
winRates = {i: wins[i] / games[i] for i in allIndices}
for i in sorted(winRates, key=lambda i: winRates[i], reverse=True):
print('{:>40}: {:.4f} ({}/{})'.format(allBotConstructors[i], winRates[i], wins[i], games[i]))
Additional information
- No bot will play in a game against itself.
- In the unlikely event that a bot is included in less than 100 games, the tournament will be rerun.
- Bots may store state between rounds, but not between games.
- Accessing the controller or other bots is not allowed.
- The number of games and number of rounds per game are subject to increase if the results are too variable.
- Any bots that raise errors or give invalid responses (non-ints, values outside [1, 10], etc.) will be disqualified, and the tournament will be rerun without them.
- There is no time limit for rounds, but I may implement one if bots take too long to think.
- There is no limit on the number of submissions per user.
The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 UTC on Friday, September 28.The tournament is now closed for submissions.
BayesBot: 0.3998 (796/1991)
WhoopDiScoopDiPoop: 0.3913 (752/1922)
PoopDiScoopty: 0.3216 (649/2018)
Water: 0.3213 (660/2054)
Lowball: 0.2743 (564/2056)
Saboteur: 0.2730 (553/2026)
OneUpper: 0.2640 (532/2015)
StupidGreedyOne: 0.2610 (516/1977)
SecondSaboteur: 0.2492 (492/1974)
T42T: 0.2407 (488/2027)
T4T: 0.2368 (476/2010)
OpportunityBot: 0.2322 (454/1955)
TheGeneral: 0.1932 (374/1936)
FindRepeats: 0.1433 (280/1954)
MinWin: 0.1398 (283/2025)
LazyStalker: 0.1130 (226/2000)
FollowBot: 0.1112 (229/2060)
Assassin: 0.1096 (219/1999)
MostlyAverage: 0.0958 (194/2024)
UnchosenBot: 0.0890 (174/1955)
Raccoon: 0.0868 (175/2015)
Equalizer: 0.0831 (166/1997)
AvoidConstantBots: 0.0798 (158/1980)
WeightedPreviousUnchosen: 0.0599 (122/2038)
BitterBot: 0.0581 (116/1996)
Profiteur: 0.0564 (114/2023)
HistoryBot: 0.0425 (84/1978)
ThreeFourSix: 0.0328 (65/1984)
Stalker: 0.0306 (61/1994)
Psychadelic: 0.0278 (54/1943)
Unpopulist: 0.0186 (37/1994)
PoissonsBot: 0.0177 (35/1978)
RaccoonTriangle: 0.0168 (33/1964)
LowHalfRNG: 0.0134 (27/2022)
VictoryPM1: 0.0109 (22/2016)
TimeWeighted: 0.0079 (16/2021)
TotallyLost: 0.0077 (15/1945)
OneTrackMind: 0.0065 (13/1985)
LuckySeven: 0.0053 (11/2063)
FinalCountdown: 0.0045 (9/2000)
Triangle: 0.0039 (8/2052)
LeastFrequent: 0.0019 (4/2067)
Fountain: 0.0015 (3/1951)
PlayerCycle: 0.0015 (3/1995)
Cycler: 0.0010 (2/1986)
SecureRNG: 0.0010 (2/2032)
SneakyNiner: 0.0005 (1/2030)
I_Like_Nines: 0.0000 (0/1973)
in the same directory containing all the bots. At the end, create a list of the constructors:allBotConstructors = [Lowball, BayesBot, ...]