This is based off a previous deleted challenge of mine with the same name
You are tasked with writing a program that returns a truthy or falsey value based on if the input has all its XML-like1 tags appropriately opened and closed and in the right order. Consider the following as input:
This would return a falsey value because the tag is not closed correctly. This:
On the contrary returns a truthy value because it is closed correctly. The program should also check nested tags to make sure they are in the correct position. For example, take this as input:
All the tags are closed correctly, but not in the correct order. Your program must check for correct tag hierarchy and nesting.
Let me define a few things before I get into the rules and assumptions.
A basic XML-style tag. For example: <Apple>
. They can have at most, one leading and trailing space (or else it's invalid and falsey), so < Apple >
and <Apple>
are the same. These tags can also contain attributes like foo="bar"
(with required double quotes, or else invalid and falsey), and the attribute name can only contain any alphanumeric character or _
, :
, -
, and .
. The attribute names also do not require an attribute value, and values can contain anything except "
before the closing double quote. The closing tag must not contain attributes, and no tags should have newlines in them.
Tag Name
Tag names are the tags' names. For example, <Apple>
's tag name is Apple
. Tag names can contain the same characters as attribute names, and are case-sensitive. This means <Apple>
is not <apple>
Self-Closing Tag
A regular tag that closes itself such as <Apple />
or <Apple/>
(they are the same). The space between the slash and the tag name is allowed.
Plain Text
A string of characters that can contain anything and are not enclosed in <
and >
"Simple" Tag
Either an opening, closing, or self-closing tag.
- Output may be returned or printed, and input may be taken any way you like
- Input is a string, consisting of either tags, plain text, or both
Your program can be a function or a whole working program
Plain text can be anywhere; if the input consists only of plain text, the program should return a truthy value.
Recognition of nested tags is required for the program. If a tag is nested in a tag, that nested tag must be closed before the parent is closed, just like regular XML, or else a falsey value should be returned
- You can assume that input will always be one or more "simple" tag(s)
- You can assume that input will always follow the format for tags defined above
Test Cases
Text<ul><li></li><ul />
<pear attr=foo></pear attr=foo>
<Ketchup flavor=spicy></Ketchup>
<Ap ple></Apple>
<Apple />
< Apple ></ Apple>
<mango>Text<div class="bar">More text \o/</div></mango>
<food group="fruit">Fruits:<orange :fruit-variety="clementine" /><pear _fruit.type="asian" /></food>
<example foo="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-/:;()$&@.,?!'" noValue>Any characters allowed! (0.0)</example>
This is code-golf, so the shortest code in bytes wins. Standard loopholes are prohibited as usual.
1Note: This is not real XML, but a pseudo-XML with different rules for the challenge. Tag and attribute names differ from specification.
< : : :><:/><: :=":=:" ::></:>< /:>
? \$\endgroup\$