
This is a model of a forgiving HTML parser. Instead of parsing HTML and extracting attributes, in this code golf, the tag parser will be simple.

Write a function that parses a tag structure and returns its parenthized form. An opening tag consists of one lowercase letter, and a closing tag consists of one uppercase letter. For example, aAbaAB parses into (a)(b(a)), or in HTML, <a></a><b><a></a></b>. Of course, tags can be in juxtaposition and nest.

"Prematurely" closed tags must be handled. For example, in abcA, the A closes the outermost a, so it parses into (a(b(c))).

Extra closing tags are simply ignored: aAB parses into (a).

Overlapping tags are NOT handled. For example, abAB parses into (a(b)), not (a(b))(b), by the previous rule of extra closing tags (abAB -> abA ((a(b))) + B (extra)).

Assuming no whitespaces and other illegal characters in the input.

You are not allowed to use any library.

Here is a reference implementation and a list of test cases:


def pars(inpu):
  outp = ""
  stac = []
  i = 0
  for x in inpu:
    lowr = x.lower()
    if x == lowr:
      outp += "(" + x
      i = i + 1
      while len(stac) > 1 and stac[len(stac) - 1] != lowr:
        outp += ")"
        i = i - 1
      if len(stac) > 0:
        outp += ")"
        i = i - 1
  outp += ")" * i
  return outp

tests = [
  ("aAaAbB", "(a)(a)(b)"),
  ("abBcdDCA", "(a(b)(c(d)))"),
  ("bisSsIB", "(b(i(s)(s)))"),
  ("aAabc", "(a)(a(b(c)))"),
  ("abcdDA", "(a(b(c(d))))"),
  ("abcAaA", "(a(b(c)))(a)"),
  ("acAC", "(a(c))"),
  ("ABCDEFG", ""),
  ("AbcBCabA", "(b(c))(a(b))")

for case, expe in tests:
  actu = pars(case)
  print "%s: C: [%s] E: [%s] A: [%s]" % (["FAIL", "PASS"][expe == actu], case, expe, actu)

Shortest code wins.

  • \$\begingroup\$ like any other code golfs, standard library allowed \$\endgroup\$
    – Ming-Tang
    Commented May 9, 2011 at 3:05
  • \$\begingroup\$ no limit on length nor nesting level \$\endgroup\$
    – Ming-Tang
    Commented May 9, 2011 at 4:11
  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ You should add a test case for input that leads with a closing tag, such as AbcBCabA (should parse as (b(c))(a(b)). My code could have been shorter except for this case. \$\endgroup\$ Commented May 9, 2011 at 7:12

5 Answers 5


Haskell, 111 characters

s@(d:z)§c|c>'^'=toEnum(fromEnum c-32):s++'(':[c]|d<'='=s|d==c=z++")"|1<3=(z++")")§c

This one's pretty golf'd for Haskell. Fun feature: The stack and the accumulating output are kept in the same string!

Test cases:

> runTests 
Pass: aAbaAB parsed correctly as (a)(b(a))
Pass: abcA parsed correctly as (a(b(c)))
Pass: aAB parsed correctly as (a)
Pass: abAB parsed correctly as (a(b))
Pass: aAaAbB parsed correctly as (a)(a)(b)
Pass: abBcdDCA parsed correctly as (a(b)(c(d)))
Pass: bisSsIB parsed correctly as (b(i(s)(s)))
Pass: aAabc parsed correctly as (a)(a(b(c)))
Pass: abcdDA parsed correctly as (a(b(c(d))))
Pass: abcAaA parsed correctly as (a(b(c)))(a)
Pass: acAC parsed correctly as (a(c))
Pass: AbcBCabA parsed correctly as (b(c))(a(b))

  • Edit: (113 → 111) used an @ pattern as suggested by FUZxxl
  • \$\begingroup\$ Using an @-pattern for d:z might save two chars. \$\endgroup\$
    – FUZxxl
    Commented May 9, 2011 at 12:07

Z80 Machine Code for TI-83+, 41 bytes

This is an implementation in hexadecimal machine code for a z80 cpu running on a TI-83+.


The XXXX (3 - 6 inclusive) is the 16-bit address of the string you are parsing, minus 1 byte.

Encoded in Z80-ASCII:


(Approximate, because TI calculators have their own character set.)



Windows PowerShell, 142 146 147 152 156 169

-join([char[]]"$args "|%{if(90-ge$_){')'*(($x=$s.indexOf("$_".ToLower())+1)+$s.Length*!$x)

Some things to note: This is just a script block. It can be assigned to a variable or given a function name, if necessary. You can also run it by putting . or & in front of it and the arguments at the end. Uses a final space to terminate unclosed tags.

Passes all tests. Test script:

$tests = ("aAaAbB","(a)(a)(b)"),("abBcdDCA","(a(b)(c(d)))"),("bisSsIB","(b(i(s)(s)))"),("aAabc","(a)(a(b(c)))"),("abcdDA","(a(b(c(d))))"),("abcAaA", "(a(b(c)))(a)"),("acAC","(a(c))")
"function f " + ((gc ./tags.ps1)-join"`n") | iex
$tests | %{
    $result = f $_[0]
    ("FAIL: $($_[0]):$($_[1]) - $result", 'PASS')[$result -ceq $_[1]]

Python - 114 113 153 192 174 159 characters

from sys import *
for f in a:
 if '@'<f<'\\':
print s

Abuses python's indentation parser to use one space for a full tab, five for two tabs.

Edit 1 - saved an unneeded space in the range() function

Edit 2 - fixed to deal with improper parse grammars, unterminated tags.

Edit 3 - fixed a bug whereby "incorrect" parses could be generated by ambiguity in the tag tree. Implemented a stack-based strategy, rather than a counter.

Edit 4 - renamed s.find to o to prevent save the chars used to repeatedly call it. did the same for f.lower.

Edit 5 - added the space/tab hack, saving three chars.

Edit 6 - ditched the loop in favor of ")"*d.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ instead of ord(f)... you can use '@'<f<'\\' If you don't need to check for '\\' you can use ']' instead \$\endgroup\$
    – gnibbler
    Commented May 9, 2011 at 6:15
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ you can use a single tab instead of 5 spaces. SO code markup can't handle it though :(. In your case just put leave out the newline and the spaces altogether. eg if ...:s+=")";c-=1 and else:s+="("+f;c+=1 \$\endgroup\$
    – gnibbler
    Commented May 9, 2011 at 6:18
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ for i in range(d):s+=")" can be rewritten as s+=")"*d. And you have 174 chars. \$\endgroup\$
    – cemper93
    Commented May 9, 2011 at 18:06
  • \$\begingroup\$ @cemper - good point that. I do "_"*80 all day long and forget about it when golfing.... Also, thanks to @gnibbler for the suggestions! \$\endgroup\$
    – arrdem
    Commented May 9, 2011 at 20:10
  • \$\begingroup\$ Actually, I meant that you had had 174 chars before. So you are at 159 now. \$\endgroup\$
    – cemper93
    Commented May 9, 2011 at 21:01

Golfscript, 54 chars



;["aAaAbB" "abBcdDCA" "bisSsIB" "aAabc" "abcdDA" "abcAaA" "acAC" "aAB" "abAB" "AbcBCabA"]{.' '\$n}%

aAaAbBaAaAbB (a)(a)(b)
abBcdDCA (a(b)(c(d)))
bisSsIB (b(i(s)(s)))
aAabc (a)(a(b(c)))
abcdDA (a(b(c(d))))
abcAaA (a(b(c)))(a)
acAC (a(c))
aAB (a)
abAB (a(b))
AbcBCabA (b(c))(a(b))

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