Tutu - Haskell - (3460 2654 2476 2221 2060 1992 1900 + 50x10 = 2400)
- find A*
- bloat the path with it’s neighbors (distance 2)
- find again A*, but this time in the position+speed space, just like the pighead racer
- left out most of the error checking, so the program assumes that there are always start and end points in the map and a path inbetween.
- short variable names
I’m not a Haskell golfer, so I don’t know how much can be further saved (Edit: turned out to be quite a bunch).
The Gauntlet runs in 9:21min on my 1,7GHz Core i5 from 2011. The City takes 7.2sec. (used -O1 with ghc, -O2 makes the program awfully slow)
Tweaking options are the thickness of the bloated path. For the smaller maps distance 3 saves one or two steps, but The Gauntlet runs too long, so I stay with distance 2. The race starts always at the first (i.e. top left) yellow pixel, optimizing by hand should save an additional step.
Rule conformity:
„You can't use path-finding libraries.“ - I do, but the source is included. The A* search functions are slightly heavily golfed versions of Cale Gibbard’s Data.Graph.AStar library (see http://hackage.haskell.org/package/astar).
The City - 50 steps
The Gauntlet - 722 steps
import System.Environment
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Graphics.GD
import qualified Data.Matrix as M
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.PSQueue as PSQ
main = do
trPNG <- loadPngFile =<< fmap head getArgs
(sX, sY) <- imageSize trPNG
px <- mapM (flip getPixel trPNG) [(x,y) | y <- [0..sY-1],x <- [0..sX-1]]
let tr = M.fromList sY sX (map (rgbaToTok . toRGBA) px)
let rt = findRt tr
let vrt = findVRt (head rt) (last rt) (bloat rt tr) tr
let wayPt = map ((\(a,b)->(b-1,a-1)) . fst) vrt
mapM (\(p1,p2) -> drawLine p1 p2 (rgb 255 255 255) trPNG
>> setPixel p1 (rgb 0 0 255) trPNG) (zip wayPt (tail wayPt))
savePngFile "out1.png" trPNG
print $ length vrt - 1
findVRt p1 p2 rt tr = (p1, (0,0)) : fromJust (aStar nghb (\_ _ -> 100)
(\(pos,_) -> fromJust $ Map.lookup pos rt)
((==) p2 . fst) (p1, (0,0)))
nghb ((y,x), (vy,vx)) =
S.fromList [(newp, (vy+dy,vx+dx)) |
dy <- [-15 .. 15],
let ady = abs dy,
dx <- [-15+ady .. 15-ady],
not $ dy==0 && dx == 0 && vy == 0 && vx == 0,
let newp = (y+vy+dy,x+vx+dx),
Map.member newp rt,
all ((/=) 1 . (M.!) tr) (bresenham (y,x) newp)]
bloat rt tr = foldr (\(p,h) -> Map.insert p h) Map.empty
(zip (reverse $ f $ f rt) [0..])
f = concatMap (n8 tr)
rgbaToTok (r, g, b, _)
| r+g+b == 0 = 3
| r==255 && g==255 && b==0 = 2
| r==g && r==b && 30 <= r && r <= 220 = 0
| otherwise = 1
findRt tr = s : fromJust (aStar nghb cost (const 1) ((==) 3 . (M.!) tr) s)
cost (y1,x1) (y2,x2) = if (x1==x2 || y1==y2) then 408 else 577
nghb = S.fromList . n8 tr
s = head [(y,x) | y <- [1..M.nrows tr], x <- [1..M.ncols tr],
M.getElem y x tr == 2]
n8 tr p@(y,x) = filter ((/=) 1 . (M.!) tr) (n8' y x)
n8' y x | y==1 || x==1 || y == M.nrows tr || x == M.ncols tr = [p]
| otherwise = [ (y-1,x-1), (y-1,x), (y-1,x+1), (y,x-1),
(y,x+1), (y+1,x-1), (y+1,x), (y+1,x+1) ]
bresenham start@(y0,x0) end@(y1,x1) = walk start (el `div` 2)
walk p@(y,x) err
| p == end = [p]
| err-es < 0 = p : walk (y+sdy,x+sdx) (err-es+el)
| otherwise = p : walk (y+pdy,x+pdx) (err-es)
dx = x1-x0; dy = y1-y0;
adx = abs dx; ady = abs dy
sdx = signum dx; sdy = signum dy
(pdx,pdy,es,el) = if adx > ady then (sdx,0,ady,adx) else (0,sdy,adx,ady)
data AStar a c = AStar {
vi :: !(S.Set a), wa :: !(PSQ.PSQ a c), sc :: !(Map.Map a c),
mH :: !(Map.Map a c), ca :: !(Map.Map a a), en :: !(Maybe a) }
deriving Show
aStarInit s = AStar S.empty (PSQ.singleton s 0) (Map.singleton s 0)
Map.empty Map.empty Nothing
aStar graph dist heur goal start =
let s = runAStar graph dist heur goal start
in case en s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just e -> Just (reverse . takeWhile (not . (== start))
. iterate (ca s Map.!) $ e)
runAStar graph dist heur goal start = aStar' (aStarInit start)
aStar' s = case PSQ.minView (wa s) of
Nothing -> s
Just (x PSQ.:-> _, w') ->
if goal x
then s { en = Just x }
else aStar' $ L.foldl' (expand x) (s { wa = w',
vi = S.insert x (vi s)})
(S.toList (graph x S.\\ vi s))
expand x s y =
let vi = sc s Map.! x + dist x y
in case PSQ.lookup y (wa s) of
Nothing -> link x y vi (s { mH
= Map.insert y (heur y) (mH s) })
Just _ -> if vi<sc s Map.! y then link x y vi s else s
link x y v s = s {
ca = Map.insert y x (ca s),
sc = Map.insert y v (sc s),
wa = PSQ.insert y (v + mH s Map.! y) (wa s) }
import System.Environment;import Graphics.GD;import Data.Matrix;import qualified Data.Set as S;import qualified Data.Map as J;import qualified Data.PSQueue as Q
j(Just x)=x;e(y,x)=(x-1,y-1);u=signum;q=J.empty;m=reverse;n=Nothing;z=255;s=abs;t=1<2;f(a,b)(c,d)|b==d||a==c=2|t=3;rT(r,g,b,_)|r+g+b==0=3|r==z&&g==z&&b==0=2|r==g&&r==b&&30<=r&&r<=220=0|t=5
i:_<-getArgs;t<-loadPngFile i;(a,b)<-imageSize t;p<-mapM(flip getPixel t)[(x,y)|y<-[0..b-1],x<-[0..a-1]];let r=fromList b a$map(rT.toRGBA)p;s:_=[(y,x)|y<-[1..b],x<-[1..a],getElem y x r==2];c p@(y,x)=filter((<5).(!)r)$if y==1||x==1||y==b||x==a then[p]else[(a,b)|a<-[y-1..y+1],b<-[x-1..x+1],a/=y||b/=x];y=s:j(aS(S.fromList.c)f(\_->1)((==3).(!)r)s);l=concatMap c;w=map(e.fst)$fV(head y)(last y)(foldr(\(p,h)->J.insert p h)q$zip(m$l$l y)[0..])r
mapM(\(c,d)->drawLine c d(rgb z z z)t>>setPixel c(rgb 0 0 z)t)$zip w$tail w;savePngFile"o.png"t
fV c d r t=(c,(0,0)):j(aS l(\_ _->99)(\(q,_)->j$J.lookup q r)((==d).fst)(c,(0,0)))where l((y,x),(a,b))=S.fromList[(w,(a+c,b+d))|c<-[-15..15],d<-[s c-15..15-s c],any(/=0)[a,b,c,d],let w=(y+a+c,x+b+d),J.member w r,all((<5).(!)t)$br(y,x)w]
br q@(i,j)r@(k,l)=w q$f`div`2where w p@(y,x)e|p==r=[p]|e-o<0=p:w(y+g,x+h)(e-o+f)|t=p:w(y+m,x+n)(e-o);a=s$l-j;b=s$k-i;h=u$l-j;g=u$k-i;(n,m,o,f)|a>b=(h,0,b,a)|t=(0,g,a,b)
data A a c=A{v::S.Set a,w::Q.PSQ a c,k::J.Map a c,mH::J.Map a c,ca::J.Map a a,en::Maybe a}deriving Show
aS g d h o u=b$en s where b Nothing=n;b(Just e)=Just(m.takeWhile(/=u).iterate(ca s J.!)$e);s=l$A S.empty(Q.singleton u 0)(J.singleton u 0)q q n;i x y v s=s{ca=J.insert y x$ca s,k=J.insert y v$k s,w=Q.insert y(v+mH s J.!y)$w s};l s=b$Q.minView$w s where b Nothing=s;b(Just(x Q.:->_,w'))|o x=s{en=Just x}|t=l$foldl(r x)(s{w=w',v=S.insert x$v s})$S.toList$g x S.\\v s;r x s y=b$Q.lookup y$w s where v=k s J.!x+d x y;b Nothing=i x y v$s{mH=J.insert y(h y)$mH s};b(Just _)|v<k s J.!y=i x y v s|t=s
Tutu siblings -TS#1 - (1764+43 = 2194)
Edit: TS#1 now separate answer.
Edit II: The path for The City is
In The Gauntlet Tutu moves as follows