Python, 24 steps (work in progress)
The idea was to solve the continuous problem first, vastly reducing the search space, and then quantize the result to the grid (by just rounding to the nearest gridpoint and searching the surrounding 8 squares)
I parametrize the path as a sum of trigonometric functions (unlike polynomials, they dont diverge and are easier to keep in check). I also control the velocity directly instead of the acceleration, because its easier to enforce the boundary condition by simply multiplying a weighting function that tends to 0 at the end.
My objective function consists of
-exponential score for acceleration > 10
-polynomial score for euclidean distance between the last point and the target
-high constant score for each intersection with a wall, decreasing towards the edges of the wall
To minimize the score, i throw it all into Nelder-Mead optimization and wait a few seconds. The algorithm always succeeds in getting to the end, stopping there and not exceeding the maximum acceleration, but it has troubles with walls. The path either teleports through corners and gets stuck there, or stops next to a wall with the goal just across (left image)
During testing, i got lucky and found a path that was squiggled in a promising way (right image) and after tweaking the parameters some more i could use it as a starting guess for a successful optimization.
After finding a parametric path, it was time to remove the decimal points. Looking at the 3x3 neighborhood reduces the search space from roughly 300^N to 9^N, but its still too big and boring to implement. Before i went down this road, i tried adding a "Snap to Grid" term to the objective function (the commented parts). A hundred more steps of optimization with the updated objective and simply rounding was enough to get the solution.
[(9, -1), (4, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (-1, 2), (-3, 4), (-3, 3), (-2, 3), (-2, 2), (
-1, 1), (0, 0), (1, -2), (2, -3), (2, -2), (3, -5), (2, -4), (1, -5), (-2, -3),
(-2, -4), (-3, -9), (-4, -4), (-5, 8), (-4, 8), (5, 8)]
The number of steps was fixed and not part of optimization, but since we have an analytical description of the path, (and since the maximal acceleration is well below 10) we can reuse it as a starting point for further optimization with a smaller number of timesteps
from numpy import *
from scipy.optimize import fmin
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection as LC
walls = array([[[0,0],[500,0]], # [[x0,y0],[x1,y1]]
[[100,180],[120, 200]], #debug walls
[[100,120],[120, 100]],
[[300,220],[320, 200]],
#[[320,100],[300, 120]],
start = array([120,180])
goal = array([320,220])
# Boring stuff below, scroll down #
def weightedintersection2D(L1, L2):
p = L1[0]
q = L2[0]
r = L1[1]-L1[0]
s = L2[1]-L2[0]
d = cross(r,s)
if d==0: # parallel
if cross(q-p,r)==0: return 1 # overlap
t = cross(q-p,s)*1.0/d
u = cross(q-p,r)*1.0/d
if 0<=t<=1 and 0<=u<=1: return 1-0*abs(t-.5)-1*abs(u-.5) # intersect at p+tr=q+us
return 0
def sinsum(coeff, tt):
'''input: list of length 2(2k+1),
first half for X-movement, second for Y-movement.
Of each, the first k elements are sin-coefficients
the next k+1 elements are cos-coefficients'''
N = len(coeff)/2
XS = [0]+list(coeff[:N][:N/2])
XC = coeff[:N][N/2:]
YS = [0]+list(coeff[N:][:N/2])
YC = coeff[N:][N/2:]
VX = sum([XS[i]*sin(tt*ww[i]) + XC[i]*cos(tt*ww[i]) for i in range(N/2+1)], 0)
VY = sum([YS[i]*sin(tt*ww[i]) + YC[i]*cos(tt*ww[i]) for i in range(N/2+1)], 0)
return VX*weightfunc, VY*weightfunc
def makepath(vx, vy):
# turn coordinates into line segments, to check for intersections
xx = cumsum(vx)+start[0]
yy = cumsum(vy)+start[1]
path = []
for i in range(1,len(xx)):
path.append([[xx[i-1], yy[i-1]],[xx[i], yy[i]]])
return path
def checkpath(path):
intersections = 0
for line1 in path[:-1]: # last two elements are equal, and thus wrongly intersect each wall
for line2 in walls:
intersections += weightedintersection2D(array(line1), array(line2))
return intersections
def eval_score(coeff):
# tweak everything for better convergence
vx, vy = sinsum(coeff, tt)
path = makepath(vx, vy)
score_int = checkpath(path)
dist = hypot(*(path[-1][1]-goal))
score_pos = abs(dist)**3
acc = hypot(diff(vx), diff(vy))
score_acc = sum(exp(clip(3*(acc-10), -10,20)))
#score_snap = sum(abs(diff(vx)-diff(vx).round())) + sum(abs(diff(vy)-diff(vy).round()))
print score_int, score_pos, score_acc#, score_snap
return score_int*100 + score_pos*.5 + score_acc #+ score_snap
# Boring stuff above, scroll to here #
Nw = 4 # <3: paths not squiggly enough, >6: too many dimensions, slow
ww = [1*pi*k for k in range(Nw)]
Nt = 30 # find a solution with tis many steps
tt = linspace(0,1,Nt)
weightfunc = tanh(tt*30)*tanh(30*(1-tt)) # makes sure end velocity is 0
guess = random.random(4*Nw-2)*10-5
guess = array([ 5.72255365, -0.02720178, 8.09631272, 1.88852287, -2.28175362,
2.915817 , 8.29529905, 8.46535503, 5.32069444, -1.7422171 ,
-3.87486437, 1.35836498, -1.28681144, 2.20784655]) # this is a good start...
array([ 10.50877078, -0.1177561 , 4.63897574, -0.79066986,
3.08680958, -0.66848585, 4.34140494, 6.80129358,
5.13853914, -7.02747384, -1.80208349, 1.91870184,
-4.21784737, 0.17727804]) # ...and it returns this solution
optimsettings = dict(
xtol = 1e-6,
ftol = 1e-6,
disp = 1,
maxiter = 1000, # better restart if not even close after 300
full_output = 1,
retall = 1)
path = makepath(*sinsum(guess, tt))
plt.axes().add_collection(LC(path, color='red'))
plt.plot(*start, marker='o')
plt.plot(*goal, marker='o')
optres = fmin(eval_score, guess, **optimsettings)
optcoeff = optres[0]
#for c in optres[-1][::optimsettings['maxiter']/10]:
for c in array(optres[-1])[logspace(1,log10(optimsettings['maxiter']-1), 10).astype(int)]:
vx, vy = sinsum(c, tt)
path = makepath(vx,vy)
plt.axes().add_collection(LC(path, color='green'))
To Do: GUI that lets you draw an initial path to get a rough sense of direction. Anything is better than randomly sampling from 14-dimensional space
print "(10,42)\n(62,64)..."
? \$\endgroup\$