Your goal is to write a function that puts quotes around a sequence of capital letters in a string.
So some examples (everything on the left (before function) and right (after function) are STRINGS):
Hello the name's John Cena
-> "H"ello the name's "J"ohn "C"ena
I got BIG OLD truck
-> "I" got "BIG" "OLD" truck
[OLD, joe, SMOE]
->["OLD", joe, "SMOE"]
-> '"BIG"')
-> f"OO"d
-> "78176&@*#dd09)*@(&#*@9a0"YOYOYOYOYOYOOYOYOYOY"28#@e
Assumptions and Clarifications
- The sequence of capital letters can have a length of one (e.g. a string containing one character: H -> "H")
- You can assume there will be only a string inputted.
Winning Criteria
Code golf, fewest bytes wins.