Given two positive integers a
and b
, output the frequency distribution of rolling a b
-sided die a
times and summing the results.
A frequency distribution lists the frequency of each possible sum if each possible sequence of dice rolls occurs once. Thus, the frequencies are integers whose sum equals b**a
- The frequencies must be listed in increasing order of the sum to which the frequency corresponds.
- Labeling the frequencies with the corresponding sums is allowed, but not required (since the sums can be inferred from the required order).
- You do not have to handle inputs where the output exceeds the representable range of integers for your language.
- Leading or trailing zeroes are not permitted. Only positive frequencies should appear in the output.
Test Cases
Format: a b: output
1 6: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
2 6: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
3 6: [1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 25, 27, 27, 25, 21, 15, 10, 6, 3, 1]
5 2: [1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1]
6 4: [1, 6, 21, 56, 120, 216, 336, 456, 546, 580, 546, 456, 336, 216, 120, 56, 21, 6, 1]
10 10: [1, 10, 55, 220, 715, 2002, 5005, 11440, 24310, 48620, 92368, 167860, 293380, 495220, 810040, 1287484, 1992925, 3010150, 4443725, 6420700, 9091270, 12628000, 17223250, 23084500, 30427375, 39466306, 50402935, 63412580, 78629320, 96130540, 115921972, 137924380, 161963065, 187761310, 214938745, 243015388, 271421810, 299515480, 326602870, 351966340, 374894389, 394713550, 410820025, 422709100, 430000450, 432457640, 430000450, 422709100, 410820025, 394713550, 374894389, 351966340, 326602870, 299515480, 271421810, 243015388, 214938745, 187761310, 161963065, 137924380, 115921972, 96130540, 78629320, 63412580, 50402935, 39466306, 30427375, 23084500, 17223250, 12628000, 9091270, 6420700, 4443725, 3010150, 1992925, 1287484, 810040, 495220, 293380, 167860, 92368, 48620, 24310, 11440, 5005, 2002, 715, 220, 55, 10, 1]
5 50: [1, 5, 15, 35, 70, 126, 210, 330, 495, 715, 1001, 1365, 1820, 2380, 3060, 3876, 4845, 5985, 7315, 8855, 10626, 12650, 14950, 17550, 20475, 23751, 27405, 31465, 35960, 40920, 46376, 52360, 58905, 66045, 73815, 82251, 91390, 101270, 111930, 123410, 135751, 148995, 163185, 178365, 194580, 211876, 230300, 249900, 270725, 292825, 316246, 341030, 367215, 394835, 423920, 454496, 486585, 520205, 555370, 592090, 630371, 670215, 711620, 754580, 799085, 845121, 892670, 941710, 992215, 1044155, 1097496, 1152200, 1208225, 1265525, 1324050, 1383746, 1444555, 1506415, 1569260, 1633020, 1697621, 1762985, 1829030, 1895670, 1962815, 2030371, 2098240, 2166320, 2234505, 2302685, 2370746, 2438570, 2506035, 2573015, 2639380, 2704996, 2769725, 2833425, 2895950, 2957150, 3016881, 3075005, 3131390, 3185910, 3238445, 3288881, 3337110, 3383030, 3426545, 3467565, 3506006, 3541790, 3574845, 3605105, 3632510, 3657006, 3678545, 3697085, 3712590, 3725030, 3734381, 3740625, 3743750, 3743750, 3740625, 3734381, 3725030, 3712590, 3697085, 3678545, 3657006, 3632510, 3605105, 3574845, 3541790, 3506006, 3467565, 3426545, 3383030, 3337110, 3288881, 3238445, 3185910, 3131390, 3075005, 3016881, 2957150, 2895950, 2833425, 2769725, 2704996, 2639380, 2573015, 2506035, 2438570, 2370746, 2302685, 2234505, 2166320, 2098240, 2030371, 1962815, 1895670, 1829030, 1762985, 1697621, 1633020, 1569260, 1506415, 1444555, 1383746, 1324050, 1265525, 1208225, 1152200, 1097496, 1044155, 992215, 941710, 892670, 845121, 799085, 754580, 711620, 670215, 630371, 592090, 555370, 520205, 486585, 454496, 423920, 394835, 367215, 341030, 316246, 292825, 270725, 249900, 230300, 211876, 194580, 178365, 163185, 148995, 135751, 123410, 111930, 101270, 91390, 82251, 73815, 66045, 58905, 52360, 46376, 40920, 35960, 31465, 27405, 23751, 20475, 17550, 14950, 12650, 10626, 8855, 7315, 5985, 4845, 3876, 3060, 2380, 1820, 1365, 1001, 715, 495, 330, 210, 126, 70, 35, 15, 5, 1]
is at least 2? (Or if not, what should the frequency list for sums of a 1-sided die look like?) \$\endgroup\$