You may know the mathematician von Koch by his famous snowflake. However he has more interesting computer science problems up his sleeves. Indeed, let's take a look at this conjecture:
Given a tree with n
nodes (thus n-1
edges). Find a way to enumerate the nodes from 1
to n
and, accordingly, the edges from 1
to n-1
in such a way, that for each edge k
the difference of its node numbers equals to k
. The conjecture is that this is always possible.
Here's an example to make it perfectly clear :
Your code will take as input a tree, you can take the format you want but for the test cases I will provide the tree by their arcs and the list of their nodes.
For example this is the input for the tree in the picture :
d -> a
a -> b
a -> g
b -> c
b -> e
e -> f
Your code must return the tree with nodes and edges numbered. You can return a more graphical output but I will provide this kind of output for the test cases :
d -> a 6
a -> b 4
a -> g 5
b -> c 3
b -> e 2
e -> f 1
[a,b,c,d,e,f,g] [a7,b3,c6,d1,e5,f4,g2]
d -> a d -> a 6
a -> b a -> b 4
a -> g => a -> g 5
b -> c b -> c 3
b -> e b -> e 2
e -> f e -> f 1
[a,b,c,d] [a4,b1,c3,d2]
a -> b a -> b 3
b -> c => b -> c 2
b -> d b -> d 1
[a,b,c,d,e] [a2,b3,c1,d4,e5]
a -> b a -> b 1
b -> c b -> c 2
c -> d => c -> d 3
c -> e c -> e 4
This is code-golf this the shortest answer in bytes win!
Note : This is stronger than the Ringel-Kotzig conjecture, which states every tree has a graceful labeling. Since in the Koch conjecture it is not possible to skip integers for the labeling contrary to the graceful labeling in the Ringel-Kotzig conjecture. Graceful labeling has been asked before here.