Python 2.7
This approach takes advantage of the following considerations:
Any integer can be represented as a sum of powers of two. The exponents in the powers of two can also be represented as powers of two. For example:
8 = 2^3 = 2^(2^1 + 2^0) = 2^(2^(2^0) + 2^0)
These expressions that we end up with can be represented as sets of sets (in Python, I used the built-in frozenset
becomes the empty set {}
becomes the set containing the set representing a
. E.g.: 1 = 2^0 -> {{}}
and 2 = 2^(2^0) -> {{{}}}
becomes the concatenation of the sets representing a
and b
. E.g., 3 = 2^(2^0) + 2^0 -> {{{}},{}}
It turns out that expressions of the form 2^2^...^2
can easily be transformed into their unique set representation, even when the numerical value is much too large to be stored as an integer.
For n=20
, this runs in 8.7s on CPython 2.7.5 on my machine (a bit slower in Python 3 and much slower in PyPy):
"""Analyze the expressions given by parenthesizations of 2^2^...^2.
Set representation: s is a set of sets which represents an integer n. n is
given by the sum of all 2^m for the numbers m represented by the sets
contained in s. The empty set stands for the value 0. Each number has
exactly one set representation.
In Python, frozensets are used for set representation.
Definition in Python code:
def numeric_value(s):
n = sum(2**numeric_value(t) for t in s)
return n"""
import itertools
def single_arg_memoize(func):
"""Fast memoization decorator for a function taking a single argument.
The metadata of <func> is *not* preserved."""
class Cache(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
self[key] = result = func(key)
return result
return Cache().__getitem__
def count_results(num_exponentiations):
"""Return the number of results given by parenthesizations of 2^2^...^2."""
return len(get_results(num_exponentiations))
def get_results(num_exponentiations):
"""Return a set of all results given by parenthesizations of 2^2^...^2.
<num_exponentiations> is the number of exponentiation operators in the
parenthesized expressions.
The result of each parenthesized expression is given as a set. The
expression evaluates to 2^(2^n), where n is the number represented by the
given set in set representation."""
# The result of the expression "2" (0 exponentiations) is represented by
# the empty set, since 2 = 2^(2^0).
if num_exponentiations == 0:
return {frozenset()}
# Split the expression 2^2^...^2 at each of the first half of
# exponentiation operators and parenthesize each side of the expession.
split_points = xrange(num_exponentiations)
splits = itertools.izip(split_points, reversed(split_points))
splits_half = ((left_part, right_part) for left_part, right_part in splits
if left_part <= right_part)
results = set()
results_add = results.add
for left_part, right_part in splits_half:
for left in get_results(left_part):
for right in get_results(right_part):
results_add(exponentiate(left, right))
results_add(exponentiate(right, left))
return results
def exponentiate(base, exponent):
"""Return the result of the exponentiation of <operands>.
<operands> is a tuple of <base> and <exponent>. The operators are each
given as the set representation of n, where 2^(2^n) is the value the
operator stands for.
The return value is the set representation of r, where 2^(2^r) is the
result of the exponentiation."""
# Where b is the number represented by <base>, e is the number represented
# by <exponent> and r is the number represented by the return value:
# 2^(2^r) = (2^(2^b)) ^ (2^(2^e))
# 2^(2^r) = 2^(2^b * 2^(2^e))
# 2^(2^r) = 2^(2^(b + 2^e))
# r = b + 2^e
# If <exponent> is not in <base>, insert it to arrive at the set with the
# value: b + 2^e. If <exponent> is already in <base>, take it out,
# increment e by 1 and repeat from the start to eventually arrive at:
# b - 2^e + 2^(e+1) =
# b + 2^e
while exponent in base:
base -= {exponent}
exponent = successor(exponent)
return base | {exponent}
def successor(value):
"""Return the successor of <value> in set representation."""
# Call exponentiate() with <value> as base and the empty set as exponent to
# get the set representing (n being the number represented by <value>):
# n + 2^0
# n + 1
return exponentiate(value, frozenset())
def main():
import timeit
print timeit.timeit(lambda: count_results(20), number=1)
for i in xrange(21):
print '{:.<2}..{:.>9}'.format(i, count_results(i))
if __name__ == '__main__':
(The memoization decorator's concept is copied from .)
Timings for different n
n time
16 0.240
17 0.592
18 1.426
19 3.559
20 8.668
21 21.402
Any n
above 21 results in a memory error on my machine.
I'd be interested if anyone can make this faster by translating it into a different language.
Edit: Optimized the get_results
function. Also, using Python 2.7.5 instead of 2.7.2 made it run a bit faster.
, and it therefore would be unnecessary to keep track of anything exceptn
. I.e., just using the rules of exponentiation seems wise. However, there surely is a smarter and completely algebraic way to do this. \$\endgroup\$n
is still way too big to compute. Still, well noted. Maybe a recursive representation in the form "1 or 2^(...) or (...)+(...)"; but you still have the problem of how to normalize such representation of a number (or compare two representations for value equality). \$\endgroup\$n
twos andC_n=(2n)!/(n+1)!/n!
should be the number of parenthesizations, then for n=3 it should be 5, correct? I see(2^2)^2
, but what are the other three combinations? I think C_n gives you the number of parenthesizations for n+1 twos. \$\endgroup\$