[This question is a follow up to Compute the runs of a string ]
A period
of a stringw
is any positive integerp
such thatw[i]=w[i+p]
whenever both sides of this equation are defined. Letper(w)
denote the size of the smallest period ofw
. We say that a stringw
is periodic iffper(w) <= |w|/2
So informally a periodic string is just a string that is made up from another string repeated at least once. The only complication is that at the end of the string we don't require a full copy of the repeated string as long as it is repeated in its entirety at least once.
For, example consider the string x = abcab
. per(abcab) = 3
as x[1] = x[1+3] = a
, x[2]=x[2+3] = b
and there is no smaller period. The string abcab
is therefore not periodic. However, the string ababa
is periodic as per(ababa) = 2
As more examples, abcabca
, ababababa
and abcabcabc
are also periodic.
For those who like regexes, this one detects if a string is periodic or not:
The task is to find all maximal periodic substrings in a longer string. These are sometimes called runs in the literature.
A substring
is a maximal periodic substring (run) if it is periodic and neitherw[i-1] = w[i-1+p]
norw[j+1] = w[j+1-p]
. Informally, the "run" cannot be contained in a larger "run" with the same period.
Because two runs can represent the same string of characters occurring in different places in the overall string, we will represent runs by intervals. Here is the above definition repeated in terms of intervals.
A run (or maximal periodic substring) in a string
is an interval[i...j]
, such that
is a periodic word with the periodp = per(T[i...j])
- It is maximal. Formally, neither
T[i-1] = T[i-1+p]
norT[j+1] = T[j+1-p]
. Informally, the run cannot be contained in a larger run with the same period.
Denote by RUNS(T)
the set of runs in string T
Examples of runs
The four maximal periodic substrings (runs) in string
T = atattatt
areT[4,5] = tt
,T[7,8] = tt
,T[1,4] = atat
,T[2,8] = tattatt
.The string
T = aabaabaaaacaacac
contains the following 7 maximal periodic substrings (runs):T[1,2] = aa
,T[4,5] = aa
,T[7,10] = aaaa
,T[12,13] = aa
,T[13,16] = acac
,T[1,8] = aabaabaa
,T[9,15] = aacaaca
.The string
T = atatbatatb
contains the following three runs. They are:T[1, 4] = atat
,T[6, 9] = atat
andT[1, 10] = atatbatatb
Here I am using 1-indexing.
The task
Write code so that for each integer n starting at 2, you output the largest numbers of runs contained in any binary string of length n
Your score is the highest n
you reach in 120 seconds such that for all k <= n
, no one else has posted a higher correct answer than you. Clearly if you have all optimum answers then you will get the score for the highest n
you post. However, even if your answer is not the optimum, you can still get the score if no one else can beat it.
Languages and libraries
You can use any available language and libraries you like. Where feasible, it would be good to be able to run your code so please include a full explanation for how to run/compile your code in Linux if at all possible.
Example optima
In the following: n, optimum number of runs, example string
2 1 00
3 1 000
4 2 0011
5 2 00011
6 3 001001
7 4 0010011
8 5 00110011
9 5 000110011
10 6 0010011001
11 7 00100110011
12 8 001001100100
13 8 0001001100100
14 10 00100110010011
15 10 000100110010011
16 11 0010011001001100
17 12 00100101101001011
18 13 001001100100110011
19 14 0010011001001100100
20 15 00101001011010010100
21 15 000101001011010010100
22 16 0010010100101101001011
What exactly should my code output?
For each n
your code should output a single string and the number of runs it contains.
My Machine The timings will be run on my machine. This is a standard ubuntu install on an AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor. This also means I need to be able to run your code.
Leading answers
- 49 by Anders Kaseorg in C. Single threaded and run with L = 12 (2GB of RAM).
- 27 by cdlane in C.
-strings, please explicitly state that. Otherwise the alphabet could possibly be infinite, and I don't see why your testcases should be optimal, because it seems you only searched{0,1}
strings too. \$\endgroup\$n
up to12
and it never beat the binary alphabet. Heuristically I would expect that a binary string should be optimal, because adding more characters increases the minimum length of a run. \$\endgroup\$