
SE Sandbox Link, Codidact Sandbox Link

Inspired by this video.

Given a positive integer, draw its Cistercian representation as ascii art.

enter image description here

The Challenge

Cistercian numerals are a decimal-based number representation system which use simple line based drawings to represent 4-digit numerals. Their structure is as follows:


The digits are represented as follows (in the units place):

1   ⌷ 2   ⌷ 3   ⌷ 4   ⌷ 5   ⌷ 6    ⌷ 7    ⌷ 8    ⌷ 9    ⌷ 0 
___ ⌷     ⌷     ⌷     ⌷ ___ ⌷    . ⌷ ___. ⌷    . ⌷ ___. ⌷
    ⌷     ⌷ \   ⌷   / ⌷   / ⌷    | ⌷    | ⌷    | ⌷    | ⌷
    ⌷     ⌷  \  ⌷  /  ⌷  /  ⌷    | ⌷    | ⌷    | ⌷    | ⌷
    ⌷ ___ ⌷   \ ⌷ /   ⌷ /   ⌷    ' ⌷    ' ⌷ ___' ⌷ ___' ⌷

(all of these are 4 rows in height.)

As you can see, there are some repeating patterns within the symbols:

5 → 4 + 1
7 → 6 + 1
8 → 6 + 2
9 → 6 + 1 + 2

In order to represent a general Cistercian number, you will have to place the digits in the correct place for their value.

They should be mirrored horizontally if they are on the left.

They should be mirrored vertically if they are on the bottom i.e. the lines should be reversed, \ and / should be swapped, and . and ' should be swapped. Here's how they should look.

The fun part is when you stack a Cistercian representation on top of another one to accommodate more digits e.g.:


like a tower of sorts.

You will need to stack as many 4 part towers as the number requires, and you will need to prepend 0's to the input if it's length is not a multiple of 4.

Hence, given an input number, say, 12345, you should get the following:

00012345 → 5432,1000

which turns into:


which becomes:

 \  |  /
  \ | /
 ___|  /
    | /

Note that this is created by making two towers for the 4 digit numbers 2345 and 0001, stacking them, and adding a link of 4 | characters between them.


This is code-golf. Shortest answer in each language wins.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Does this look like a box to you or something else? (It renders as a box to me) \$\endgroup\$
    – SunnyMoon
    Commented Dec 10, 2020 at 14:50
  • \$\begingroup\$ @SunnyMoon It's a box, used as a divider between the symbols. \$\endgroup\$
    – Razetime
    Commented Dec 10, 2020 at 14:51
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Noodle9 yes, that is a character. \$\endgroup\$
    – Razetime
    Commented Dec 10, 2020 at 15:02
  • 5
    \$\begingroup\$ ᛁ ᚿ ᛚ ᚴ ꚰ |ᛌ ꛖ it's weird that Unicode doesn't have this script... just a bit of Runic \$\endgroup\$
    – roblogic
    Commented Dec 10, 2020 at 15:54
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I don't know about you but the .s and 's look weird; why not just have an extra | instead? \$\endgroup\$
    – Neil
    Commented Dec 10, 2020 at 17:09

3 Answers 3


JavaScript (Node.js), 265 bytes

`.replace(e,x=>"_ \\/.'|"[q=y/2&2|x>3,y&8?1:(k='40321123'[j=~~('0x'+(1e6+'1023405671567899AB99A899CB99C')[y%4+~-(n/10**q%10)*4])]^x%4?2045>>j&1:'0122233346545'[j])^0xCC6600>>k*4+q&1]))+f(n/1e4|0):''

Try it online!


Each digit pattern is a 4x4 matrix consisting of 7 distinct characters. Each character is encoded as a single decimal digit from 0 to 6:

0: "_"
1: " "
2: "\"
3: "/"
4: "."
5: "'"
6: "|"

All matrices are built with 13 distinct rows, encoded as a single hexadecimal digit from 0 to C:

0: 1111 for "    "
1: 0001 for "___ "
2: 2111 for "\   "
3: 1211 for " \  "
4: 1121 for "  \ "
5: 1131 for "  / "
6: 1311 for " /  "
7: 3111 for "/   "
8: 1114 for "   ."
9: 1116 for "   |"
A: 1115 for "   '"
B: 0004 for "___."
C: 0005 for "___'"

So, each matrix is fully described by a sequence of 4 hexadecimal digits. For instance, the matrix for 7 is encoded as B99A:

B99A -> 0004 -> "___."
        1116    "   |"
        1116    "   |"
        1115    "   '"

The leading sequence is 0000 and is omitted. The other sequences are stored as:

1e6 + '1023405671567899AB99A899CB99C'

which expands to:

0      1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
(0000) 1000 0001 0234 0567 1567 899A B99A 899C B99C

Each matrix row is made of a 'background' character appearing 3 times and a 'foreground' character appearing only once (or not at all). So the rows can be encoded as:

  • the position of the 'foreground' character (0 for rightmost to 3 for leftmost, or 4 if none)
  • the 'background' character (which is always either 0 for "_" or 1 for " ")
  • the 'foreground' character

This is summarized in the following table:

 ID | string | digits | FG position | BG char. | FG char.
  0 | "    " |  1111  |      4      |    1     |    0
  1 | "___ " |  0001  |      0      |    0     |    1
  2 | "\   " |  2111  |      3      |    1     |    2
  3 | " \  " |  1211  |      2      |    1     |    2
  4 | "  \ " |  1121  |      1      |    1     |    2
  5 | "  / " |  1131  |      1      |    1     |    3
  6 | " /  " |  1311  |      2      |    1     |    3
  7 | "/   " |  3111  |      3      |    1     |    3
  8 | "   ." |  1114  |      0      |    1     |    4
  9 | "   |" |  1116  |      0      |    1     |    6
  A | "   '" |  1115  |      0      |    1     |    5
  B | "___." |  0004  |      0      |    0     |    4
  C | "___'" |  0005  |      0      |    0     |    5
                             |           |          |
                             |           |          +--> stored as "0122233346545"
                             |           +-------------> stored as the bit mask 2045
                             +-------------------------> stored as "40321123"
  • \$\begingroup\$ the 2 in 12345 needs to be a bit higher, and there needs to be 4 | between the 0001 and 1234. \$\endgroup\$
    – Razetime
    Commented Dec 11, 2020 at 9:23
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Razetime This is is based on what is described in your link. \$\endgroup\$
    – Arnauld
    Commented Dec 11, 2020 at 9:26
  • \$\begingroup\$ ah, ok. that seems fine, then. Just needs the 4 | in between. \$\endgroup\$
    – Razetime
    Commented Dec 11, 2020 at 9:41
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Razetime I didn't notice you added 4 | between the upper and lower parts of each group. :-/ Should be fixed now. (PS: the height of your example output is 27 instead of 28.) \$\endgroup\$
    – Arnauld
    Commented Dec 11, 2020 at 11:16
  • \$\begingroup\$ ah.. beautiful. \$\endgroup\$
    – Razetime
    Commented Dec 11, 2020 at 11:19

Perl 5, 573 bytes

With some newlines and indentation added:

sub f{
  s//0/ while y///c%4;
  $l="    |\n"x3;
  /.{5}/?join$l,reverse map f($_),/.{4}/g:do{
n\n \n2\
n2/n /n/
___n2/n /n/
    $c{$_.'00'}=join('',map"$_\n",reverse$c{$_}=~/.+/g)=~y|.'|'.|r=~y|/\\|\\/|r for 0..9;
    $c{$_.0}=$c{$_}=~s,.+,reverse"|$&",ger=~y|/\\|\\/|r for map{$_,$_.'00'}0..9;
    $_=[/.+/g]for values%c;

Try it online!

  • \$\begingroup\$ the specification has changed a bit, so each segment needs to be 4 lines long now, \$\endgroup\$
    – Razetime
    Commented Dec 13, 2020 at 3:23

Charcoal, 125 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


Split the reversed input into substrings of length 4.


Loop over each substring.


Except for the first substring, separate each quad of digits with a vertical line of length 4.


Loop over each digit in the quad.


Extract the relevant digit from a compressed string of all digits and print it without moving the cursor. (I tried printing the digits by parts but this was at least 16 bytes longer.) Note that at this point I print b instead of . and p instead of ' as Charcoal knows how to reflect b, d, p and q.


Reflect the canvas horizontally, transforming the characters appropriately. There are four reflections in total, so that the units end up with their original orientation, but the tens end up horizontally reflected.


On alternate passes, ...


... move down 11 lines (actually drawing is golfier, but moving would work), ...


... and reflect the canvas vertically. This happens twice, so the units and tens end up with their original reflection, but the hundreds and thousands are vertically reflected (and the thousands also get an overall horizontal reflection).


Print the vertical line down the middle of the four digits.


Translate the b (and its horizontal reflection d) to . and the p (and its horizontal reflection q) to '. b and p (and d and q) are also vertical reflections of each other, but we want that, otherwise the .s and 's would be exchanged by the vertical reflection.


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