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Wasif's user avatar
Wasif's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
16 votes

Sum of first n terms of this series

13 votes

Can you give me half? (No digits)

10 votes

Create an ASCII line, given a length

9 votes

Are All the Items the Same?

9 votes

Find the longest line

8 votes

Implement the hyperfactorial

8 votes

Print 0 to 100 without 1-9 characters

8 votes

Tips for restricted source in Powershell

8 votes

Removing The Nineteenth Byte

7 votes


7 votes

Is there a single straight line in the matrix?

6 votes

Print "N NE E SE S SW W NW"

6 votes

What year will it be in n seconds?

6 votes

What year will it be in n seconds?

6 votes

Drop down the numbers

6 votes

How many values of this type?

6 votes

Implement a 2-tag system simulator

6 votes

English An or A?

6 votes

Triple countdown sequence

5 votes

Project Euler 1: Multiples in constant time

5 votes

Open or Close the Parentheses

5 votes

Unsort an array

5 votes

Print your code backwards - reverse quine

5 votes

Let's rise higher

4 votes

Print a 10 by 10 grid of asterisks

4 votes

Alphabet printing challenge

4 votes

Overwrite a string on a tape

4 votes

Multiplicative Persistence #2

4 votes

Print 0 to 100 without 1-9 characters

4 votes

Output Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

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