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Stephen's user avatar
Stephen's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
115 votes

The Crow vs The Taxicab

24 votes

Will it halt? (Cops)

20 votes

Shortest Error Message

19 votes

Try to make a cube!

18 votes

Print the phrase "And she said, 'But that's his.'" using only the alphabet

16 votes

Polyglot the (non constant) OEIS!

15 votes

I reverse the source code, you negate the output!

15 votes

Same length, different string

12 votes

Create the slowest growing function you can in under 100 bytes

12 votes

Will it halt? (Robbers)

11 votes

Output with the same length always

10 votes

Dad jokes are fun

10 votes

What's my telephone number?

7 votes

It almost works (Cops' Thread)

7 votes

Determine your language's version

7 votes

How many states do I border?

6 votes

Unrestricted Languages

6 votes

Code-Golf Assembly Line

6 votes

Hardcoding the Cops and Robbers (Cops)

6 votes

Range, Reverse, Sum!

6 votes

Output with the same length as the code

6 votes

Fibtraction - Fibonacci but with subtraction

5 votes

One OEIS after another

5 votes

"Hello, World!" (Cops' thread)

4 votes

One OEIS after another

4 votes

Build a Markdown bomb

4 votes

Russian BS - Submissions accepted until October 13th

4 votes

The 465 Arrangement

4 votes

Compare char to other chars in javascript

4 votes

One OEIS after another

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