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Destructible Lemon's user avatar
Destructible Lemon
  • Member for 8 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
33 votes

Golf all the 16 logic gates with 2 inputs and 1 output!

13 votes

When was this language released?

11 votes

Is it a leap year?

10 votes

Golf an InterpretMe interpreter

9 votes

The Letter A without A

9 votes

Turing-Complete Language Interpreter

8 votes

Golf you a quine for great good!

8 votes

Are there any languages especially good at ASCII art?

7 votes

A Fragile Quine

7 votes

Print a 10 by 10 grid of asterisks

7 votes

Draw diagonal lines of text

7 votes

Exit Code Golfing

6 votes

Prisoner's Dilemma v.3 - Petri Dilemma

6 votes

"Hello, World!"

6 votes

Showcase of Languages

6 votes

Implement a Truth-Machine

6 votes

Showcase of Languages

6 votes

Showcase of Languages

6 votes

Take a ride on the Reading, If you pass Go, collect $200

5 votes

Bake a slice of Pi

5 votes

Wave-Particle Duality Laterally Programmatically

5 votes

Q​u​i​n​e R​e​l​a​y​!

4 votes

Noisy Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma

4 votes

Notcalc (Calculate the wrong answer)

4 votes

Evolution of Powers of Two

4 votes

Is it truthy or falsy?

4 votes

Input ∩ Source Code

4 votes

Is it a leap year?

4 votes

Golf you a quine for great good!

4 votes

Trick or Treat polyglot