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Mark's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
34 votes

Shortest infinite loop producing no output

31 votes

Make an error quine!

13 votes

Programming Languages Through The Years

13 votes

Shortest code to produce non-deterministic output

12 votes

Shut down the computer!

10 votes

Shortest Error Message

9 votes

Find an Illegal String

8 votes

Write a program that makes 2 + 2 = 5

7 votes

Detect MS Windows

6 votes

Golf you a quine for great good!

6 votes

Monte Carlo estimator of Pi

5 votes

Rosetta Stone Challenge: What's Average Anyways?

5 votes

Print out all IPv6 addresses

5 votes

Shortest infinite loop producing no output

5 votes

Make your code error, but only sometimes!

4 votes

The Letter A without A

4 votes

yes is 91 lines long

4 votes

I'm not the language you're looking for!

4 votes

"Hello, World!"

3 votes

1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz

3 votes

List of primes under a million

3 votes

Random Golf of the Day #2: Numbers from a Normal Distribution

3 votes

Remove all occurrences of the first letter of a string from the entire string

3 votes

Output programming language name

3 votes

Program which behaves differently in/out of a debugger

2 votes

Write a function

2 votes

Simple cat program

2 votes

What is the smallest positive base 10 integer that can be printed by a program shorter (in characters) than itself?

2 votes

Which Row is the Key On?

2 votes

Why isn't it ending?