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George Reith's user avatar
George Reith's user avatar
George Reith
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
2 votes

Is it L-convex?

2 votes

Symbolic Differentiation of Polynomials

2 votes

Mass of elements

2 votes

Antiferromagnetic ordering

2 votes

Hexadecimal Counter

2 votes

Letters in phone numbers

2 votes

Rotate An Integer Array with an O(n) algorithm

2 votes

Count the words in a text and display them

2 votes

Smallest n-digit prime containing only these digits

2 votes

Press any key to continue

2 votes

Parse the comments out of my esoteric code

2 votes

Linear Regression on a String

1 vote

Sort a string, sort of

1 vote

Loading... Forever

1 vote

Select the word around the given index in a given string

1 vote

Primes with prime bit-counts

1 vote

Find the Maximal Prime Powers

1 vote

Execute prints backwards

1 vote

Write a mathematical function whose result is "hello world"

1 vote

Brainf*ckish directions

1 vote

Find X in a partially sorted Array

1 vote

What's my math assignment?

0 votes

Pick the longest stick

0 votes

Is 7 l8r than 9? (Is seven later than nine?)

0 votes

Counting unit squares circle passes through

0 votes

Test a number for narcissism

0 votes

All squares that match a wildcard sequence