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astroide's user avatar
astroide's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
6 votes

Generate this number table

4 votes


4 votes

Is this number a prime?

4 votes

Plot a centered circle

3 votes

Quicksand (piles)

3 votes

Draw an ASCII Grid

3 votes

Golf you a quine for great good!

3 votes

Encode USB packets (part 2)

2 votes

Palindromic palindrome generator

2 votes

Can you give me half? (No digits)

2 votes

English An or A?

1 vote

Can you give me half? (No digits)

1 vote

"DDoouubbllee ssppeeaakk!!"

1 vote

Output programming language name

1 vote

Implementing a stack

1 vote

"Hello, World!"

1 vote

Sum of all integers from 1 to n

0 votes

Russian Roulette

0 votes

I reverse the source code, you negate the output!