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Code-golf is a competition to solve a particular problem in the fewest bytes of source code.

3 votes

Shortest Floor Function

C (80) Well it's not the shortest, but it's a great opportunity to show off my bit twiddling skills :D. main(){int I,X=0x7FFFFF;scanf("%f",&I);printf("%d",((I&X)|X+1)>>-(I>>23)+150);}
1 vote

I'm walking around manhattan, how far am I from my hotel?

Matlab, 51 characters My Matlab submission, works only with captial letters. This was a fun one! The hardest part was converting the string into an array of complex numbers to be summed. Function: …
Hannesh's user avatar
  • 1,235
1 vote

Construct a polynomial with given roots

Javascript, 121 bytes r=>{o=[...r,0].fill(0);for(i=2**r.length;i--;)e=r.length,a=r.reduce((a,q,j)=>a*(i&1<<j?q:(e--,-1)),1),o[e]+=a;return o;} Explantation Similar to other answers, we imagine a poly …
Hannesh's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

ASCII-art polygons to GeoJSON coordinates

We're going to turn ascii art versions of polygons into their equivalent GeoJSON. The ASCII shape language The input ASCII language only has 3 possible characters: * signifies a vertex - signifies a …
Hannesh's user avatar
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53 votes
31 answers

Generate a mandelbrot fractal [closed]

Your task is to draw the mandelbrot set in ascii. It should look something like The complex number c lies in the mandelbrot set, when the sequence z(n+1) = z(n)^2 + c, z(0) = 0 remains bounded. For …
Hannesh's user avatar
  • 1,235
2 votes

The Caged Circles

Javascript, 199 bytes My first code golf in a long time! I originally started with a brute force solution, but couldn't get the step sizes small enough to have it produce the correct answers in a time …
Hannesh's user avatar
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1 vote

Determine whether strings are anagrams

Matlab (24) Given two strings a and b. isequal(sort(a),sort(b))
Hannesh's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Floating point addition, without floats!

Your task is to write a program, in any language, that adds two floating point numbers together WITHOUT using any fractional or floating point maths. Integer maths is allowed. Format The format for …
Hannesh's user avatar
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3 votes

Collatz's ice cream cone factory

HTML + JS, 166 bytes JS: 156 bytes HTML: 14 bytes This is a pretty basic implementation that renders to the DOM using an HTML canvas. A good chunk of the code is spent scaling the output to fit within …
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