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A competition to solve a particular problem through the usage and manipulation of strings.

1 vote

One more LUL and I'm out

Cheddar, 71 bytes i->('One more "'*i).slice(0,-1)+'LUL '+('and I\'m out" '*i).slice(0,-2) Try it online!
Pavel's user avatar
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0 votes

Check If my String is Prime

C# (.NET Core), 60 bytes s=>s.All(i=>Enumerable.Range(2,(int)i-2).All(j=>((int)i)%j))
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3 votes

Reverse a string by chunks

The /g modifier gives us every match of that regex in the input string as a list, which is then reversed and printed. In Perl, passing a list to say joins it without any delimiter by default. …
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1 vote

Reverse a string by chunks

APL (Dyalog Classic), 22 bytes {0~⍨∊⊖(⌈⍺÷⍨≢⍵)⍺⍴⍵,⍺⍴0} Try it online!
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22 votes
22 answers

Carve a square from a string

Your challenge today is to take a multiline string, and output the biggest square contained within the string that includes the top left corner. … Input is a string or 1D char array; it is not a list of strings. …
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23 votes
25 answers

Sort a string by a given ordering

Your challenge is to sort a string, but rather than by the normal alphabetical order (, you will be sorting strings by a specified alphabet. … You must write a program or function that takes two inputs: An alphabet A and an string S. Both will only contain lowercase English letters, and both will contain at least one character. …
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3 votes

What's the file extension?

C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 22 bytes s=>s.Split('.').Last() Implicit using System.Linq; FTW! Try it online!
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40 votes
58 answers

Reverse a string by chunks

Your task is to write a program which, given a number and a string, splits the string into chunks of that size and reverses them. … The string should then be split into chunks of length n, if the length of the string isn't divisible by n any leftover at the end should be considered its own chunk. …
Pavel's user avatar
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0 votes

Make a string into a triangle

Ruby, 31 + 1 = 32 bytes Uses -n flag. a='' $_.each_char{|i|puts a<<i} Try it online!
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3 votes

Uncomment a COBOL program!

Ruby, 39 38 36 29 23 22 20 + 1 = 21 bytes $_[/.{6}( |.* )/]='' Try it online! Uses -p flag. Explanation: The -p flag adds an implicit block around the code, so the code that actually gets run …
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2 votes

Make a Word Icicle

C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 129 bytes var s=ReadLine();while(s.Any(c=>c!=32)){WriteLine(s);var i=s.IndexOf(s.Min(c=>c==32?(char)999:c));s=s.Remove(i,1).Insert(i," ");} Try it online!
Pavel's user avatar
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2 votes

Fill in the Blanks, Please!

.*/]} Uses -p The first line is the format string, the rest of the lines are the array. Try it online! …
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11 votes
2 answers

Shell Glob Golfing

Your task: Given a string array of paths that represent the "current directory" and a single target path, output the shortest possible string that would expand to only that target path after expanding … The target path can be taken as it's own string, as an index into the array of paths, as the first item on the array of paths passed in, or some other convenient way that isn't hard-coding. …
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4 votes

"Hello, World!"

uBASIC, 21 bytes 1PRINT"Hello, World!" uBASIC is the most basic BASIC. Exits with an error (no trailing newline). It took me until just now to realize I don't need a space between 1 and PRINT... …
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3 votes

"Hello, World!"

Threead, 16 bytes "Hello, World!"o Try it online!
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