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4 votes

Product over a range

PowerShell, 30 Bytes param($a,$b)$a..$b-join'*'|iex Takes input as two integers, creates a range with .., then -joins that with asterisks, pipes it into Invoke-Expression (similar to eval). The ran …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
3 votes

Return the integers with square digit-sums

([math]::Sqrt(([char[]]"$_"-join'+'|iex))%1)} Try it online! … Our selection is based on the .NET call [math]::Sqrt() of the digit-sum of the number is an integer with !(...%1). …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
1 vote

Calculate the difficulty of a Code Golf question

PowerShell v2+, 47 bytes -join(('*'*11)[1..($args[0]/$args[1]/70+.499)]) Somewhat a port of @Neil's JavaScript answer. Takes input $args and divides them, then divides that by 70, and adds .499. S …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
1 vote

Lonely Multiplication

PowerShell, 97 bytes param($n)$a,$b,$c=$n|group;(($n-join'*'|iex),(($a,$b|?{$_.count-eq1}).name,1)[$a.count-eq3])[!$c] Try it online! Not terribly impressive, but given that PowerShell doesn't h …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
2 votes

Product over exclusive and inclusive ranges

PowerShell, 146 104 Bytes param($i)$a,$b=$i.trim("[]()")-split',';($a,(1+$a))[$i[0]-eq'(']..($b,(+$b-1))[$i[-1]-eq')']-join'*'|iex Golfed off 42 bytes by changing how the numbers are extracted from …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
0 votes

Smallest Diversifying Exponent

PowerShell, 107 bytes param([bigint]$a)for([bigint]$b=1;-join("$([bigint]::pow($a,$b))"|% t*y|sort -u)-ne-join(0..9);$b=$b+1){}$b Try it online! Pretty straightforward, just a shame we need to u …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
0 votes

Average of a string

PowerShell, 60 Bytes param([char[]]$a)$a|%{$b+=[int]$_};[char][int]($b/$a.Length) Nothing esoteric. Takes input string param(..) and casts it as a char[]. Iterates over that array $a|%{..}, and each …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
0 votes

Sort a concatenated sequence

PowerShell, 167 166 bytes param($x,$w)if($w-lt($x-eq0)){"0`n"*15;exit}[char[]]("$x"+-join(0..13|%{$w;$w=$x+($x=$w)}))|%{$z+="$_";if(+$z-gt$y){($y=$z);$z=""}};if($z){while(+$z-lt$y){$z+="0"}$z} Saved …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
3 votes

Summation from a to b

PowerShell, 32 31 29 Bytes $args-join'..'|iex|measure -s Thanks to TessellatingHeckler for the alternate way to make a range and sum it. Works for any combination of a and b so long as the difference …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
1 vote

Write a program that makes 2 + 2 = 5

PowerShell $c=2 # Set variable = 2 Write-Host ("$c + $c = " + $(2+($c++,$c--)[$c-eq2])) # Perform the addition and output Write-Host ("c = $c") …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
3 votes

Print the difference in the Thue-Morse sequence

PowerShell, 102 bytes filter x($a){2*$a+([convert]::toString($a,2)-replace0).Length%2} 0..($args[0]-1)|%{(x($_+1))-(x $_)-1} A little bit of a different way of computing. PowerShell doesn't have an e …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
2 votes

Find the number in the Champernowne constant

PowerShell, 54 50 Bytes for($c='';!($x=$c.IndexOf("$args")+1)){$c+=++$i}$x Thanks to TessellatingHeckler for the idea of swapping the while loop for a for loop. Executes via a for loop. As with ot …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
0 votes

Zeroes at the end of a factorial

PowerShell v2+, 60 bytes (but see the NB below) A completely different approach, doing exactly what is requested by the challenge. ;-) $a=2..$args[0]-join'*'|iex;"$a".length-"$a".Trim('0').length …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
1 vote

Divisor reduction

PowerShell v2+, 74 67 bytes param($n)for($o=0;$n-gt0){$a=0;1..$n|%{$a+=!($n%$_)};$n-=$a;$o++}$o Seems pretty lengthy in comparison to some of the other answers... Takes input $n, enters a for loop …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k
8 votes

The Solitude of Prime Numbers

PowerShell v2+, 237 149 147 231 216 181 174 169 166 bytes param($n)filter f($a){'1'*$a-match'^(?!(..+)\1+$)..'}for($i=$n;!((f $i)-and(f($i+2)))){$i++}for(){if(f(--$i)){if((f($i-2))-or(f($i+2))){if($i …
AdmBorkBork's user avatar
  • 43.5k

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